NEW ROCHELLE, NY – AHEPA Sunday was celebrated by the James Plevritis-Joseph C. Keane AHEPA Chapter # 405 of New Rochelle at Holy Trinity Church. Presiding priest of the community, Fr. Nicholas Anctil read the Encyclical from Metropolitan Methodios and in tribute to those AHEPA Brothers who are no longer with us, commemorated them in a beautiful ceremony.
James Zafiros, Vice Chairmen of the chapter, responded by thanking Fr. Anctil and the New Rochelle community for their year-round support. Brother Zafiros said that “this was AHEPA’s 97th Anniversary and in three years AHEPA will be celebrating their 100th anniversary, a remarkable achievement for any Greek American organization. It’s been a journey for the ages for the two pillars of Hellenism worldwide, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Order of AHEPA.”
The chapter’s pageantry included the presentation of the colors by the Sons of Pericles and the Scouts, with a colorful rendition of the National Anthems of the USA and Greece by Holy Trinity’s Junior Choir. A large delegation of more than fifty members of the New Rochelle AHEPA family joined Fr. Anctil before the altar and the community responded with a standing ovation for the chapter. A tribute well earned. AXIOS!

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