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Going on in Our Community


BROOKLINE, MA – Greek Music Education Program is being presented by Boston Lykeion Ellinidon and the Malitiotis Cultural Center with six master classes March 3-April 14. Upcoming classes include: Vasilis Skoulas on Cretan Music and the Cretan Lyra on Sunday, Mar. 31. Classes take place at 2-4:30 PM in the Maliotis Cultural Center, 50 Goddard Avenue in Brookline. More information is available by phone: 617-522-2800 and online: bostonlykeion.org.

FLUSHING, NY – The Federation of Cypriot American Organizations holds its annual National Convention on Saturday, Apr. 13, 8:30 AM-4 PM at Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th Street in Flushing. The Keynote Speaker of this year’s convention will be Photis Photiou, Presidential Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs and Overseas Cypriots. Photiou will be speaking on the role of the Cyprus Government in supporting the mission of the diaspora in the U.S., its expectations as well as its vision for the Overseas Cypriots and its implementation towards it. More information is available by phone: 516-399-2295 and via email: info@fcaousa.org.

MANHATTAN – The Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York hold its annual Greek Independence Day Parade on Sunday, Apr. 14, 1:30 PM, on Fifth Avenue from 64th-79th Streets in Manhattan. More information is available online: hellenicsocities.org and by phone: 718-204-6500.

FLUSHING, NY – “Contributions of African Americans in the Hellenic Revolution of 1821, and Early American Philhellenes Ushering the Abolition and Suffrage Movements” a joint program presented by EMBCA with the Hellenic American Project of Prof. Nicholas Alexiou and the Black History Project at Queens College on Monday, Apr.15, 12-2 PM. More information is available online: embca.com.

CAMBRIDGE, MA – Film Screening: Life Will Smile by Steve Priovolos and Drey Kleanthous Tuesday, Apr. 16, 7:30-9 PM at Harvard University, Boylston Hall, Fong Auditorium, Harvard Yard in Cambridge. The event is co-organized by the Harvard Greek Film Society and the Consulate General of Greece in Boston. The screening will be followed by a reception in Boylston Hall’s Ticknor Lounge 9-10 PM and a Q&A with the producer Steve Priovolos who will be present.

ROSLINDALE, MA – Pontiaki Estia presents the Boston premiere of the film, Genocide: A True Story, at St. Nectarios Greek Orthodox Church, 39 Belgrade Avenue in Roslindale, on Tuesday, Apr. 16, 8-10 PM. More information is available by phone: 617-327-1983 and online: stnectariosma.org.

MANHATTAN – The Hellenic Medical Society of New York invites you to its Kalopothakes Scientific Event, honoring Dr. Katherine Economos, Director, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, New York Presbyterian-Brooklyn Methodist, at Lenox Hill Hospital, Bruno Conference Room in Manhattan on Thursday, Apr. 18, 7-9:30 PM. Please RSVP by April 16 by phone: 718-398-2440

MANHATTAN – EMBCA presents Financing Your Next Construction Project Panel Discussion – Using Tax Exempt Bond Financing and Other Economic Development Incentives at the 3 West Club, 3 West 51st Street in Manhattan on Thursday, Apr. 18. More information is available online: embca.com.

MANCHESTER, NH – Easter Bake Sale at the Assumption Greek Church of Manchester, 111 Island Pond Road, takes place on Saturday, Apr. 20, 10 AM-2 PM. Enjoy pites, baklava, kourabiedes, koulourakia, tsoureki, and more Greek pastries. More information is available by phone: 603-623-2045 and online: assumptionnh.org.

NEW LONDON, CT – The Enosis Philoptochos Society hosts the Palm Sunday Luncheon at St. Sophia Greek Church, 200 Hempstead Street in New London, on Sunday, Apr. 21, 11 AM-2 PM. Tickets on sale through April 14. No tickets will be sold at the door. More information is available by 860-442-2377 and online: saintsophianl.org.

MANHATTAN – Renowned Greek author Ersi Sotiropoulos will sign and discuss her book inspired by the poet C.P. Cavafy, What’s Left of the Night, at the Strand bookstore, 828 Broadway at 12th Street in Manhattan, on Wednesday, Apr. 24, 7 PM. The event takes place in the Rare Book Room as Sotiropoulos discusses her acclaimed work with Sam Sacks of the Wall Street Journal’s Fiction Chronicle. Doors open 30 minutes before the start of the event. More information is available online: strandbooks.com.

MANHATTAN – EMBCA presents the 4th Annual Hellenic Rembetika/Harlem Blues Concert on Thursday, Apr. 25, 6 PM, at Saint Peter’s Church, 619 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. More information is available online: embca.com.

MANHATTAN – The Monthly Social & Networking event held jointly with the Manhattan-based AHEPA Family Chapters, Delphi #25, and the Daughters of Penelope, Evryklea Chapter #36, at Kellari Taverna, 19 West 44th Street in Manhattan on Monday, Apr. 29, 6-8 PM. All existing members and those interested in becoming members are invited to attend. Please contact ahepa25.delphinyc@gmail.com for details.

MANHATTAN – New York-based composer and performer Pericles Kanaris returns to his New York residency at Drom with three concerts for the Spring and Summer seasons. The theme for the new performances is “Road to Athens,” as the series will culminate in a concert at the prestigious NOSTOS Summer Festival at the Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center in Athens, Greece on June 30th. The upcoming New York shows are Wednesday, May 1 and Jun. 5, both at 8 PM. Also featured are the musicians Ben Butler (guitars), Richard Hammond (bass), Peter Douskalis (guitars, assistant director), Agapitos Maganaris (bouzouki, vocals), Gary Schreiner (accordion, harmonica), Jamie Eblen (drums/percussion) and Jessie Reagen Mann (cello). More information is available online: dromnyc.com.

The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.

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