Attorney Nicholas G. Karambelas has recently published a Comparative Guide to Business Entities in Greece for United States Business Persons as a free e-book. Karambelas, a founding partner of Sfikas & Karambelas LLP, based in Washington DC, has published the guide in cooperation with Tribonian Publishing.
The book is available for download online, for anyone interested in the Greek business entity laws which were revised in 2012. The revisions were the first since the business entity laws in Greece were enacted in1920 and is a promising development in for the economic situation, demonstrating the move to reform a system that was antiquated and perhaps even hindering the opportunities for investment in Greece by interested parties including many businesspeople in the US. The author spoke to TNH about this unique guide that will undoubtedly help countless individuals in their business dealings in Greece, and possibly increase investment in Greece and aid its economic recovery.
Why did he write the book and make it available for free? “I practice in the area of company law,” Karambelas told TNH. The pre-2012 Greek business entity law was antiquated and virtually incomprehensible to American attorneys and businesspersons. The current law is modern and easy to describe to Americans. I believe that efforts to develop the economy and encourage investment begin with effective and comprehensible business entity laws. Greece has made that beginning. We offer the ebook free of charge because we want it to be widely available.”
The book “has been a work in progress for the last two years. Because it is in ebook format, we will be updating it so that, in a sense, it will always be a work in progress.”
Regarding the book’s potential impact in both Greece and the United States, Karambelas said “the ebook is designed for American attorneys and businesspersons. We know from experience that persons interested in investing or doing business in any country first consider the business entity laws of the country. The purpose of the ebook is to enable potential American business persons to ask informed questions when they consult their Greek attorney.”
Feedback is already being generated, “and the preliminary response has been encouraging. We are looking forward to comments that will advise us as to ways in which we can improve the ebook,” Karambelas said.
Karambelas practices law in Washington, DC, Baltimore, MD, and New York City, and has affiliated offices in Athens and Nicosia. He is a graduate of the American Community Schools, Inc. in Athens, Class of 1971. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Union College, a Juris Doctor from Fordham University School of Law, and a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University School of Public and International Affairs. His three-volume treatise, Limited Liability Companies: Law, Practice and Forms is in its second edition, published by Thomson West Company, and is updated twice a year. Karambelas has also written several articles on business entity law, Greek and Cypriot company law, securities and federal elections law, and international law and politics.