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Nasia Davos: From Smoker to Quit Smoking Expert!


Nasia Davos (MBPsS) is an ex-smoker, published author, TEDx speaker, Certified NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming) Life Coach, Licensed Master NLP Practitioner with a B.Sc. in Psychology and an M.A. in Psychoanalysis. After turning her attention to smoking cessation, she developed the Cognitive Behavioral Quitting (CBQ) Method that has helped thousands of smokers become happy non-smokers.

She shared her journey and her endeavors for this interview.

The National Herald: Tell us about your background.

Nasia Davos: I studied Psychology at the Panteion University of Athens, then went to London, gained a Masters degree in Psychoanalysis and also became a Certified NLP Life Coach, Licensed Master NLP Practitioner, and Smoking Cessation Practitioner. I started working as a volunteer and then as an assistant Psychologist with children and adults with anxiety, depression, trauma, intellectual disabilities, eating disorders, autism, ADHD, and addictions in clinical and educational settings both in Greece and the UK. My work is all about modeling natural ways and methods to overcome destructive habits and addictions, including smoking, food addiction, and negative thinking. The most successful of these methods is the CBQ Method that started gaining popularity in 2016 when I was invited to speak about it on a TEDx talk at the University of Piraeus.

Nasia Davos during her TED talk on “How to grow to a happy non-smoker” at the University of Piraeus. Courtesy of mrs Davos to TNH.

TNH: What is the CBQ Method?

ND: The CBQ Method is a psychology-based method that helps smokers quit by overcoming the mental dependence on nicotine and changing how they see smoking. The process draws from many fields such as NLP, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Coaching, and Neuroscience. Over the years, my team and I have been improving this method, and we are proud of having helped tens of thousands of smokers from all over the world.

TNH: What led you to your path?

ND: I discovered my passion for psychology as a teenager and through my own experience with therapy. Also, I used to smoke – a lot. After seeing first-hand how harmful smoking is, how horrible cancer is, and the pain it causes to smokers and their families, I realized I had to quit. But it was hard, and I was failing. So I decided to use my knowledge in psychology to find a solution. I did a lot of research and started interviewing experts on addictions and ex-smokers to see what makes quitting easy! Long story short, I took what the people who quit happily had in common and did right and put it into a step-by-step method that everyone can use to stop smoking. Myself included. And it worked.

TNH: What does it bring to society?

ND: People will be healthier and happier, we will reduce the chances of getting sick from smoking and second-hand smoke, and we’ll have a less polluted environment.

At the Smoking Cessation Formula offices in London. Courtesy of mrs Davos to TNH.

TNH: What are your future goals for your method?

ND: I’d like to see a world without addiction. My hopes and goals about the CBQ method are that it will help people rely on themselves to cope with the ups and downs of life; not rely on nicotine, alcohol, food or any other crutch. It’s horrible that smokers who want to quit are given pills with atrocious side effects or other delivery systems for nicotine like vaping and nicotine substitutes. The goal is to be addiction-free, not swap addictions. It’s about growing into that version of yourself that is over nicotine. And then using your achievement of quitting smoking as a point of reference and proof that you can do anything you put your mind to.

TNH: What would your advice be to someone following your steps?

ND: My advice would be to know what you want and then pursue it no matter what. Don’t settle for something that is just “okay” because time will pass anyway – you will go through hardships and fail many times anyway. So why go through all that to achieve something you don’t love doing? Go for what you want.

TNH: What do you love most and what least about your job?

ND: I love writing emails, recording videos with advice, and hosting webinars for the people who follow the CBQ Method. But honestly, I see my work as a mission, not as a job, so I love everything about it. When you focus on your end goal, even tasks that are boring and mundane become enjoyable.

TNH: Compared with Greece, how different is the UK working scene?

ND: While I love Greece, I believe the UK has given me more opportunities to expand my mission and help others.

TNH: How do you deal with competition? Are you competitive?

ND: Yes, I am competitive, and I like having competition because it keeps me on my toes and pushes me to do my best.

TNH: What makes you the proudest?

ND: When I see my clients and students succeed, turn their lives around, and then inspire others to do the same. It’s the best feeling.

TNH: What is your guiding principle?

ND: To make a positive impact on other people’s lives.

TNH: What is your mission?

ND: My mission is to help people help themselves by making psychology practical for everyone. At the moment, there is a lot of stigma around mental health, and I believe that if psychology was more approachable to access and use, then more people would use it in their daily lives – so they would be happier and healthier as a result.

TNH: How do you define creativity in your career path?

ND: I believe creativity comes from the little things you notice or read that somehow get connected to the one big idea you’re trying to flesh out. When you’re on the self-help path, it’s crucial to get inspirations from other fields that are not entirely related to yours. This gives you different perspectives that you can end up using in your path. Of course, you should also talk to the people you want to help! For example, if I’m creating a technique to overcome nicotine cravings, the best thing to do is talk to someone who wants to deal with their cravings.

TNH: Which are the wisest words you were taught and from whom?

ND: Dr. Richard Bandler, the co-creator of NLP, who trained me, taught me that our beliefs shape our lives. You can’t do anything unless you believe you can. And to create any change in your life, you first have to change your beliefs, question your self-imposed limitations and believe that what you want is possible.

TNH: What is your life’s motto?

ND: Make every day count.

TNH: What is the most significant value your parents gave you?

ND: Education and helping others. My parents say that the most valuable thing you have is what’s in your head. It can change your life and other people’s lives.

TNH: What is the best reaction you’ve ever gotten from your clients?

ND: I love it when someone quits, and they send us their success stories. We share all success stories on our website to inspire others by showing what is possible. The best reaction was when a wonderful woman who succeeded with our program came from Austin, Texas to London to meet me. I gave her the success certificate, and she gave me a card that said “thank you for saving my life.” I have this card on my desk and look at it every time I need inspiration.

With Dolly, who quit smoking with the CBQ Method and travelled from Texas. Courtesy of mrs Davos to TNH.

TNH: What was the inspiration to start/run this business?

ND: After the CBQ method worked for me, I used it with friends and then my friends shared it with their friends. It was working, so I thought this could help many others who are struggling to stop smoking. But because I was not someone who knows about business or how to spread the word about the method, I partnered up with someone who’s a genius at it and passionate about our mission (and quit smoking with the CBQ method). We created Smoking Cessation Formula LTD so we can serve people all around the world. We offer a lot of free advice as well as an online quit smoking program to reach as many people as we can.

TNH: How fair has life been to you?

ND: I try not to see life in terms of fairness. There will always be people who have more than you and people who have less. I feel grateful for what I have, and the rest is truly up to me to achieve.

In the studio holding a bouquet sent by Pam, a member of the program, as a thank you. Courtesy of mrs Davos to TNH.

The post Nasia Davos: From Smoker to Quit Smoking Expert! appeared first on The National Herald.

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