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The Enthronement of Archbishop Makarios of Australia (Pictures,Video)


BOSTON – Newly-elected Archbishop Makarios of Australia was enthroned with enthusiasm, joy, and acclamations of Axios on Saturday, June 29 at the Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the Annunciation in Sydney.

Thousands of people of all ages came from every part of Australia from early in the morning to participate in the enthronement, including dozens of priests. Hundreds of pupils were dressed in school uniforms and also in traditional Greek costume, tossing rose petals on the Archbishop and shouting “Axios”.

There were many dignitaries and guests, including the New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian, the Federal Immigration Minister David Coleman, the Federal Opposition Leader, Anthony Albanese, Sydney’s Greek Consul-General Christos Karras, and Cypriot High Commissioner to Australia Martha Mavrommati.

Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia, representative of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, presided at the enthronement Service. Archbishop Makarios had served diligently near him for a number of years as head of Religious Education and Dean of the Theological School, and he also assisted in pastoral and liturgical work.

People of all generations and ages are awaiting the arrival of their new Spiritual Leader and Father, Archbishop Makarios of Australia outside of the Annunciation Greek-Orthodox Cathedral in Sydney.
Photo Archdiocese of Australia.

Metropolitan Panteleimon of Maroneia and Komotini represented the Church of Greece and its head, His Beatitude Archbishop Ieronymos.

Metropolitan Gerorgios of Paphos represented the Church of Cyprus and His Beatitude Archbishop Chrysostomos. Metropolitan Andreas of Arkalochorion represented the Eparchial Synod of the Church of Crete and Metropolitan Nathanael of Chicago along with Bishop Apostolos of Medeia represented the Archdiocese of America and Archbishop Elpidophoros.

Terens Quick, undersecretary of foreign affairs for Greece represented the Greek Government.

Live coverage from the Cathedral Church of the Annunciation of Our Lady Sydney, Australia: Enthronement of His Eminence Archbishop Makarios, Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia.

Posted by Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia on Friday, June 28, 2019

Archbishop Makarios, in a telephone conversation with The National Herald, he said “I thank you very much for your wishes and coverage of my election and enthronement.” He added “I am touched deeply by the overwhelming expression of respect and love by everybody here, by the clergy and the laity who had come by thousands to participate in the enthronement service and festivities. I pray to God to make me able to serve these faithful and wonderful people.”

Archbishop Makarios in his enthronement address said among other things that “experiencing the events around my person, instrumentally conducted by the All-Holy Spirit from the 9th of May – whence the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate elected my humble person Archbishop of the Most-Holy Archdiocese of Australia – up until today when I ascend my Hierarchical throne,  feeling as though I am being pierced by God’s love, surpasses every word and meaning.” He added “Even more so, I am pervaded by a sense of responsibility, which I assume, and at the same time, I am gripped by the concern as to how I shall finally be able to stand worthy of such divine generosity.”

His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Australia address the faithful of the Archdiocese with his enthronement speech.
Photos Archdiocese of Australia

In another instance he said that, “I declare before this overflowing Church that my foremost desire and plea to all of you is that we sanctify the whole of Australia with the life-giving Gospel; that we render the Church in Australia full of spiritual fragrance; and that we make our witness one of divine grace and love. May we all radiate – the Archbishop, the Bishops, the clergy and our pious people – the light of eternal life, which illuminates and gathers “as one” those who are near and those who are far, those who are familiar and those who are strangers, those who are faithful and those who are not. Let us spread this experience of love to everyone, abolishing the walls of our differences and every notion of prejudice.”

He also said that, “the love of God brought me to you, and for this reason, overwhelmed by this love, I want minister to you with love and with much gentleness and sensitivity…Turning to our youth, I want to assure you that the Church is a sacred institution that will never betray you. I plead to our youth, trust in the Church and remain close to Christ. While people may at times let you down, Christ will always be there for you.”

The Archbishop continued:

Archbishop Makarios of Australia with His Eminence Metropolitan Stephanos of Tallinn and All Estonia, representing His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.
Photo Archdiocese of Australia

“On this solemn day, I wish to express my gratitude to His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his trust and paternal love, and to my brothers-in-Christ, the Hierarchs of the Holy and Sacred Synod of the Patriarchate for their vote. Patriarch Bartholomew is a great and charismatic ecclesiastical person. Everyone knows and acknowledges this. He is not like leaders of this world who rely on the power of corruptible authority. Patriarch Bartholomew leads by his love; he cares for us all; he exudes the fragrance of the Resurrection. Patriarch Bartholomew is a great blessing and a gift of Heaven on earth.

“I don’t believe there are words or means by which Orthodoxy, Eparchies of the Throne, and other Churches and religious traditions – humanity as a whole, and I, personally – could reciprocate all that he has sacrificially and lovingly done for us. I encourage you all, however, and request that you visit the Great Church and His All-Holiness our Patriarch in order that you might experience the inexpressible joy of our communion with him. I wish that the Ecumenical Patriarchate becomes our second home and the place where we shall all be renewed spiritually and derive the strength to continue our ministry faithfully, humbly and effectively in the Holy Archdiocese of Australia.”

An enthronement luncheon followed at Doltone House.

Thousands of Greek Orthodox Australians, hierarchs, priests, laymen, school pupils, welcomed Archbishop Makarios to the Annunciation Cathedral of Sydney for his Enthronement on Saturday June 29.
Photo Archdiocese of Australia

The post The Enthronement of Archbishop Makarios of Australia (Pictures,Video) appeared first on The National Herald.

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