JUNE 4-28
MANHATTAN – The Consulate General of Greece in New York and Timarete Hellenic Art Festival are pleased to announce “Inside, Outside and Beyond” a group exhibition at the Consulate General’s premises, 69 East 79th Street in Manhattan, June 4-28. Participating artists include Eozen Agopian, Maria Anasazi, Elaine Angelopoulos, Laura Dodson, Angie Drakopoulos, Peter Gerakaris, Cris Gianakos, Morfy Gikas, Mark Hadjipateras, Maria Karametou, Zoe Keramea, Georgia Lale, Eirini Linardaki, Aristides Logothetis, Despo Magoni, Demetrius Manouselis, Jenny Marketou, Eleni Mylonas, Antonia Papatzanaki, Costas Picadas, Panayiotis Terzis, Lydia Venieri, and Adonis Volanakis. The exhibition runs until June 28, Monday-Friday, 9 AM-2:30 PM.
ASTORIA – The Timarete Hellenic Art Festival presents Alalum, a dark comedy, on Saturday, Jun. 15, 8 PM, at the Archdiocesan Hellenic Cultural Center, 27-09 Crescent Street in Astoria. Four elderly cousins are gathered in the house of their elderly uncle who has just been groomed. An inheritance, a murder, and a mysterious visitor will bring them up creating an “Alalum” of comic situations. Cast: Georgia Fiotodimitrakis, Ioanna Fiotodimitrakis, Olga Someras, Vivian Triviza, and Alexandra Skendrou. Admission/Donation: $20. Reservations: 917-603-4437. More information is available online: www.timarete.com.
ASTORIA – Folk Dance Night with Traditional Dance Troupes closes the Timarete Hellenic Art Festival on Sunday, Jun. 16, 6 PM, at the Stathakion Cultural Center, 22-51 29th Street in Astoria. Free admission, open to the public. More information is available by phone: 917-603-4437 and online: www.timarete.com.
MANHATTAN – The Greek-American Writers Assn. invites you to a special program, Sex in the (Ancient) City on Tuesday, Jun. 18, 7-8:30 PM, at Revelation Gallery, 224 Waverly Place in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. Join Olympia Dukakis, Professor David Sider (NYU), actor Theodore Bouloukos, singer Nektarios Antoniou, Mia Theodoratos (orphic lyre), and Professor Constantina Rhodes in an illustrated and dramatic examination of sex, gender, sexuality, and love in the ancient Greece. Professor Sider, an expert on gender and sexuality in the ancient world, will compare ancient and modern concepts of sexual identity. Oscar-winner Dukakis will present the poetry of the immortal Sappho authentically accompanied by the orphic lyre. A wine reception will follow the program. Admission $10-20. Ticket purchase before June 1 is recommended because of limited space. More information and tickets online: Eventbrite, search: Sex in the ancient city: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sex-in-the-ancient-city-tickets-61642631771.
JUNE 20-23
BRAINTREE, MA St. Catherine Greek Orthodox Church, 119 Common Street in Braintree, holds its annual Greek Festival June 20-23. Enjoy the Grecian Food Festival with Specialty Boutiques, Children’s Corner, Greek Food and Pastry, YiaYia’s Attic, live Greek music and dancing. Free admission and plenty of free parking. Hours: Thursday, Jun. 20, 11 AM-9 PM; Friday, Jun. 21 and Saturday, Jun. 22, 11 AM-11 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 23, Noon-9 PM. More information is available by phone: 781-843-0047 and online: https://stcatherinebraintree.org.
JUNE 21-23
WEST ALLIS, WI – Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church holds its annual Greek Festival at Wisconsin State Fair Park, 640 S 84th Street in West Allis. Experience traditional Greek culture and indulge in the famous Greek chicken, along with other popular Greek dishes such as souvlakia, gyros, baklava, koulouria, Yiayia’s spanakopita, a cultural exhibit, merchandise boutique, raffle, traditional Hellenic dancers and live band, traditional Greek dance lessons also available. Admission is Free. Paid parking at Wisconsin State Fair parking lot. Hours: Friday, Jun. 21, and Saturday, Jun. 22, 11 AM-11 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 23, 11 AM-8 PM. More information is available by phone: 414-461-9400 and online: annunciationwi.org.
DENVER, CO – Assumption of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 4610 E. Alameda Avenue in Denver, holds its 54th Annual Greek Festival June 21-23. Enjoy saganaki, Greek fries, Greek wings, mezethes, souvlakia, gyros, lamb, Greek chicken, spanakopita, tiropites, keftedes, dolmades, Greek salad, pastitsio, galaktobouriko, koulourakia, loukoumades, kourambiedes, baklava, and more! Church tours, raffle, cooking demonstrations, and boutique. Live Greek music and dancing. More information is available by phone: 303-388-9314 and online: www.thegreekfestival.com.
CAMARILLO, CA – St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church holds its annual Greek Festival June 21-23 at Freedom Park at Camarillo Airport, 515 Eubanks Street in Camarillo. The Ventura County Greek Festival is one of the county’s longest-running cultural festivals. Featuring homemade Greek food, live Greek music, Greek dancing, shopping, and rides for the kids, the Festival has something for everyone! Proceeds go to the Building Fund to pay off the mortgage for the new location. $5 admission, includes a Free Raffle Ticket for a chance to win $3,000. Free parking. Hours: Friday, Jun. 21, 5-9 PM; Saturday, Jun. 22, 11 AM-9 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 23, 11 AM-7 PM. More information is available by phone: 805-482-1273 and online: http://vcgreekfestival.org.
JUNE 22-23
DEKALB, IL – St. George Greek Orthodox Church holds its annual Greek Festival at Hopkins Park Shelter House, 1403 Sycamore Road in DeKalb, June 22-23. Family style picnic at the local park with Greek food and pastries. No alcohol allowed in the park. Enjoy Greek music and dancing. Hours: Saturday, Jun. 22, 11 AM-8 PM and Sunday, Jun. 23, 11 AM-7 PM. More information is available by phone: 815-758-5731.
JUNE 27-29
PORTLAND, ME – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 133 Pleasant Street in Portland, holds its annual Greek Festival June 27-29, noon-9 PM all days. This wonderful family event draws more than 10,000 visitors from around the greater Portland area each year. Enjoy exquisite Greek cuisine, live Greek music and traditional dancing. More information is available by phone: 207-774-0281 and online: http://www.htrinityportland.org/greek-festival/.
JUNE 27-30
FORT WAYNE, IN – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church holds its 39th Annual Greek Festival in Headwaters Park, 333 S Clinton Street in Fort Wayne, June 27-30. Enjoy Greek cuisine, daily raffles, live Greek music and dancing. Greek Fest Olympic 5K on Saturday at 10 AM beginning at Headwaters Park. Admission: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 11 AM-4 PM, Free; All Day Sunday, Free; Thursday, Friday, and Saturday 4-10 PM, $5; under 16 years old, Free. More information is available by phone: 260- 489-0774 and online: www.fortwaynegreekfestival.org.
MANHATTAN – The Manhattan AHEPA Family, Delphi Chapter #25, Daughters of Penelope-Evryklea Chapter #36, and The Sons of Pericles-New Renaissance Chapter #5, invite all to attend their 3rd Annual Greek Wine, Food & Music Cruise (21+ to enter) on Friday, Jun. 28, 7:30-10:30 PM. Proceeds to benefit scholarship programs of World Hellenic Biomedical Association. Please visit www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-annual-ahepa-greek-wine-food-music-cruise-around-manhattan-tickets-61380955089 for details.
JUNE 28-30
IRVINE, CA – St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4949 Alton Parkway in Irvine, holds its 41st Annual Greek Festival June 28-30. Enjoy delicious Greek food and pastries, church tours, boutique and gift items from around the world, cooking demonstrations, opportunity drawing, Greek folk dancing, and children’s play zone. Admission: $3 per person, children under 10 are free, Seniors 65+ are free Saturday 12-5 PM, Veterans and Active Service Military and Families always free. Hours: Friday, Jun. 28, 5-10 PM; Saturday, Jun. 29, Noon-10 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 30, Noon-9 PM. More information is available by phone: 949-733-2366 and online: irvinegreekfest.com.
MATTITUCK, NY – The Association of Asgata “Cyprus” Memorial Service for July 20th, 1974 takes place at the Transfiguration Church in Mattituck, LI, followed by Artoklasia in celebration of the Name Day for Apostles Peter and Paul and traditional Cypriot breakfast on Sunday, Jun. 30, 10:30 AM. Picnic with Cypriot food and games at 2 PM. More information is available by phone: Peter Louca 516-679-2205.
JULY 20-21
DUNKIRK, NY – The Siatista Association-USA holds its 97th Annual Convention July 20-21 at the Clarion Resort Hotel, 30 Lake Shore Drive East in Dunkirk, NY (west of Buffalo). For further information contact the Association Secretary Argery Cooke by phone: 703-360-0213 or email: argbit.cooke@gmail.com or Association Historian Peter J. Plumpis by phone: 716-692-0028 or email: pplumpis@aol.com.
The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.