MONTREAL – On May 30, The Hellenic Initiative Canada (THI Canada) hosted its Second Annual Montreal Cocktail highlighting the work of Doctors of the World Greece. The cocktail was held at the elegant William Gray Hotel located in the heart of Old Montreal.
THI Canada’s Montreal-based Directors and co-hosts Anna Antonopoulos and Elias Retsinas welcomed the 400 person capacity crowd and were delighted to announce on June 5 that the Second Annual Montreal Cocktail raised $200,000 which will help THI Canada reach even more individuals and families in need in Greece.
As keynote speaker, Doctors of the World Greece (MdM Greece) President Hara Tziouvaras elaborated on the use of THI Canada’s funds in support of its programs in Greece, including the provision of 30,149 medical consultations in Athens, Patra, and Chania, the vaccination of 8,973 children, and continued operation of MdM Greece’s polyclinics in Patra and Chania. THI Canada will continue to work with MdM Greece in 2019 by also providing funding for the Dental Care for All program in Athens. Tziouvaras also spoke about MdM Greece’s other humanitarian efforts in Greece such as its shelter for at risk women and children which opened on March 1, 2019.

THI Canada Co-President John Sotos remarked “This is a great achievement for THI Canada. I was very happy to see so many young people at our Montreal Cocktail; young successful professionals that really care to make a difference and support us in our efforts to help Greece.”
THI Canada Co-President Alexander Georgiadis reminded the audience of the scope of the continuing humanitarian crisis seriously impacting well over two thirds of the Greek population and the urgent need for Canadians to support the work THI Canada is doing in Greece. He said, “We cannot be indifferent to this continuing suffering of the Greek people. Families forced to survive with less than 400 euros per month and half the population living below the poverty line; half of the young people being unemployed and thousands of young professionals leaving the country every year. We all need to help, every little bit counts.”
More information about THI Canada is available online: or contact Victoria Boucovalas, Director of Operations, THI Canada:; +1416-572-7324.

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