If you know the meaning of English words ending in -logy, which you most probably do, then you know more Greek words than you think. The first compound of English words ending in -logy is also a Greek word. From cosmo-logy you know the Greek word κόσμος, the world, the people, from theo-logy you know Θεός, God, from ecclesiology you know εκκλησία, the church, from hematology you know αίμα, the blood, from gynecology you know γυναίκα, the woman, from neurology you know νεύρα, the nerves, from ethnology you know the word έθνος, the nation etc.
The suffix -logy, λογία in Greek, comes from the word λόγος. Λόγος is the Greek word that is most often used in English as
a component of compound words. Ο λόγος means the verbal expression, the speech, and the reason as well. In ancient Greek it additionally meant the logic, the rational thinking implying the direct connection between talking, reasoning and rational thinking in ancient Greek culture.
Consequently, the suffix -λογία, -logy, which occurs in English words, means the science. For example, neurology is the medicine field which studies the human nervous system, ecclesiology is the study of the different churches, etc. These are only a few of the English words that end in -logy.
- -logy: The suffix -logy indicates the science, the study of, the theory. Examples: cosmology, ecology, ecclesiology, ethnology, gerontology, graphology, gynecology, hematology, neurology, theology.
- -logist. The suffix -logist indicates the specialist engaged in the study of something. Just add this ending instead of -logy in the above words and you name him: ethnologist, gynecologist, neurologist etc.
For Pythagoras, the ancient Greek thinker, the word cosmos means the order, the harmony within the chaos of the universe. Κόσμος also means the jewel, the beautiful, because harmony is beauty. In modern Greek κόσμος means the world and the people as well. We say «Η εκκλησία έχει πολύ κόσμο.» “There are a lot of people in the church.”
English word Greek word Pronunciation
Cosmology η κοσμολογία EE kosmoloYEEa
Cosmologist ο κοσμολόγος O kosmoLOyos
Cosmos ο κόσμος O KOsmos
Ecclesiology η εκκλησιολογία EE eklisioloYEEa
Ecclesiologist ο εκκλησιολόγος O eklisioLOyos
Church η εκκλησία EE ekliSEEa
Theology η θεολογία Ee theoloYEEa
Theologian ο θεολόγος O theoLOyos
God ο θεός O theOS
Ecology η οικολογία EE ikoloYEEa
Ecologist ο οικολόγος O ikoLOyos
House ο οίκος O EEkos
Ethnology η εθνολογία EE ethnoloYEEa
Ethnologist ο εθνολόγος O ethnoLOyos
Nation το έθνος TO Ethnos
Gynecology η γυναικολογία EE yinekoloYEEa
Gynecologist ο γυναικολόγος O yinekoLOyos
The woman, wife η γυναίκα EE yiNEka
Neurology η νευρολογία EE nevroloYEEa
Neurologist ο νευρολόγος O nevroLOyos
The nerve το νεύρο TO NEvro
The nerves τα νεύρα TA NEvra
Hematology η αιματολογία EE ematoloYEEa
Hematologist ο αιματολόγος O ematoLOyos
Blood το αίμα TO Ema
1.Οι Έλληνες είναι έθνος.
- Οι Έλληνες έχουν ελληνικό αίμα.
- Η γυναίκα μου είναι Ελληνίδα.
- Η γυναίκα μου έχει νεύρα.
- Ο νευρολόγος μελετάει το νευρικό σύστημα.
- Ο γυναικολόγος είναι γιατρός*.
- Για την οικολογία η γη είναι ο οίκος του ανθρώπου.
- Η εκκλησία είναι ο οίκος του Θεού.
- Η Μαρία πάει** στην εκκλησία.
- Αυτή η εκκλησία είναι ο Άγιος Δημήτριος***.
- Η εκκλησία έχει πολύ κόσμο.
- Ο κόσμος μας είναι η γη.
- Έχει πολύ κόσμο.
*γιατρός = doctor
** πάει = goes
*** Άγιος Δημήτριος = St. Demetrios
i (idiom), ee (bee), e (energy), o (organism), oo (boot), y (yes), h (helium), th (theory), d (the). The capitalized syllables are accented.
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