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Our Everyday Greek: Greek you Already Know from English Words Ending in -logy



Λόγος is the Greek word that is most often used in English as a component of compound words. “Ο λόγος” means the verbal expression, the speech, and the reason as well. In ancient Greek it additionally meant the logic, the rational thinking, implying the direct connection between talking, reasoning, and rational thinking in ancient Greek society. Consequently, the suffix -λογία, -logy, which occurs in English words, means “the science”.

Η αρχαιο+λογία, archaeology, is the science that studies the antiquity, η μικροβιολογία, microbio+logy, is the science that studies the microbes, viruses. Gerontology is the medicine field which studies people of old age, ecclesiology is the study of the different Churches, etc. These are only a few of the English words that end in -logy.

The first compound of these words is also a Greek word. If you know the meaning of the words below, which you most probably do, then you know more Greek words than you think.

  1. -logy: The suffix -logy indicates the science, the study of, the theory.

Examples: archaeology, astrology, bacteriology, cosmology, climatology, dermatology, ecology, ecclesiology, ethnology, geology, gerontology, graphology, gynecology, hematology, meteorology, methodology, microbiology, musicology, morphology, neurology, seismology, speleology, technology, theology, typology, zoology.

  1. -logist. The suffix -logist indicates the specialist engaged in the study of something. Just add this ending instead of -logy in the above words and you name him: archaeologist, geologist, anthropologist etc.


English word Greek word   Pronunciation

Anthropology η ανθρωπολογία  EE anthropoloYEEa

Anthropologist      ο ανθρωπολόγος O anthropoLOyos

Human, man ο άνθρωπος  O Anthropos

Archaeo+logy       η αρχαιολογία       EE arheoloYEEa

Archaeologist       ο αρχαιολόγος     O arheoLOyos

Ancient  o αρχαίος, -α, -ο   O arHEos, -a, -o

Antiquities     τα αρχαία      TA arHEa

Astro+logy           η αστρο+λογία      EE astroloYEEa

Astrologist     ο αστρο+λόγος     O astroLOyos

The star το άστρο, το αστέρι     TO Astro, TO aSTEri

The stars       τα άστρα, τα αστέρια   TA Astra, TA aSTEria

Bacterio+logy       η βακτηριο+λογία EE vaktirioloYEEa

Bacteriologist       ο βακτηριο+λόγος O vaktirioLOyos

Bacterium     το βακτήριο, -α     TO vakTEErio, -a

Climatology   η κλιματολογία      EE klimatoloYEEa

Climatologist ο κλιματολόγος     O klimatoLOyos

Climate  το κλίμα  TO KLEEma

Meteoro+logy       η μετεωρο+λογία  EE meteoroloYEEa

Meteorologist       ο μετεωρο+λόγος O meteoroLOyos

Meteor   ο μετεωρίτης O meteoREEtis

Dermato+logy      η δερματο+λογία  EE dermatoloYEEa

Dermatologist       ο δερματο+λόγος O dermatoLOyos

Skin το δέρμα TO DErma

Geo+logy      η γεω+λογία  EE yeoloYEEa

Geologist      ο γεω+λόγος O yeoLOyos

The earth      η γη EE YEE

Do you realize now, how many more Greek words you already know?


Can you translate into English these sentences using the vocabulary above?

The word μελετάει means he/she/it studies.

  1. Το λογαριασμό, παρακαλώ.
  2. Η ανθρωπολογία μελετάει τον άνθρωπο.
  3. Ο Γιώργος είναι καλός* άνθρωπος.
  4. Η Μαρία είναι καλός* άνθρωπος.
  1. Η αρχαιολογία μελετάει τα αρχαία.
  2. Η Ελλάδα έχει αρχαία.
  3. Η Σπάρτη είναι αρχαία πόλη.
  4. Ο αρχαιολόγος βρίσκει αρχαία.
  5. Η γεωλογία μελετάει τη γη.
  6. Η αστρολογία μελετάει τα αστέρια.
  7. Ο αστρολόγος μελετάει τα αστέρια.
  8. Ο ουρανός έχει αστέρια.
  9. Ο ουρανός έχει μετεωρίτες.
  10. Ο μετεωρολόγος μελετάει τον καιρό.
  11. Η κλιματολογία μελετάει το κλίμα.
  12. Το κλίμα της Ελλάδας είναι καλό.
  13. Η Ελλάδα έχει καλό κλίμα.
  14. Ο δερματολόγος μελετάει τα μικρόβια και τα βακτήρια στο δέρμα.

καλός, καλή, καλό (kaLOS, -EE, kaLO) = good

βρίσκει (VREEski) = he/she/it finds

ουρανός (uraNOS) = the sky

τον καιρό (TON keRO) = the weather


i (idiom), ee (bee), e (energy), o (organism), oo (boot), y (yes), h (helium), th (theory), d (the). The capitalized syllables are accented.

The post Our Everyday Greek: Greek you Already Know from English Words Ending in -logy appeared first on The National Herald.

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