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Going on in Our Community



CAMBRIDGE, MA – The Greeks Speak Author Lecture Series will feature noted scientist and novelist Professor Ioannis Ioannidis of Stanford University, who will present his latest book Meta-A-Physics at The Greek Institute, 1038 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge on Friday, Jan. 4, 7-9 PM. Books will be available for purchase. Open to the public. Donations encouraged. More information is available by phone: 617-547-4770.

SOMERVILLE, MA – Pharos Ensemble performs live Greek music on Friday, Jan. 24, 7:30-11 PM at SCBC, 31 College Ave in Somerville, in a concert including songs from the Smyrneika and Early Rebetika Repertoire. Musicians: ERINI (Eirini Tornesaki) on vocals, Vasilis Kostas on laouto, Panos Aivas on kanun, and George Lernis on percussion. This concert is a fundraiser in support of the Pharos Ensemble creating their first recording, and organizing their first U.S. tour in the Fall 2019. Suggested donation: $25, Students: $15 (Cash or check). Any other donations in the form of cash or check will also be accepted. Reception will follow with food and refreshments. More information on Facebook @pharosensemble.


EAST MEADOW, NY – The Divine Liturgy for the Feast of Theophany (Epiphany) will be celebrated on Sunday, Jan. 6 at 9:30 AM at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 369 Green Avenue in East Meadow. The service is conducted in English. Following the service, the Great Blessing of Water will be held at Alhambra Beach, Massapequa at 1 PM. For more information, call 516-483-3649, email info@htocem.org, or visit htocem.org.

SUMMIT, IL – The Feast of Theophany will be celebrated with the Holy Cross Church Dive for the Cross on Sunday, Jan. 6, 5 PM, at Argo Community High School, 7329 W. 63rd Street in Summit. Parents/adults must accompany their children and provide their own towels and swim gear. More information is available by phone: 708-594-2040 and online: holycrosschurchjustice.org.


BROOKLINE, MA – Youth and Adult Choir Lessons begin on Monday, Jan. 7, 6:30-9:30 PM at the Maliotis Cultural Center, 50 Goddard Avenue in Brookline. Instructed by the very talented Panayiota Haloulakou, the lessons are $150 per year for youth and $250 for adults. More information is available by phone: 617-522-2800.


MANHATTAN – HABA, in association with the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, Hellenic Medical Society of New York, Cyprus-U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Hellenic Professional Women Inc., and the Hellenic Lawyers Association, invites you to save the date for our Traditional Cutting of the Vasilopita at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Hall in Manhattan on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 6 PM. Details forthcoming at haba.org.


HOLLYWOOD, FL – St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 425 N. 58th Avenue in Hollywood, holds its annual Greek Festival January 11-13, noon-11 PM. Enjoy authentic Greek food and pastries, including lamb shanks, souvlaki, fresh-carved gyro off the spit, pastitsio, moussaka, and more! Vendors will be selling Greek novelties. Entertainment includes live Greek music and dancing, and bounce house, face painting, and games for the kids. Greek Dance exhibitions performed throughout the weekend, including performances by our award-winning dance group. Church tours available. More information is available by phone: 954-966-1898 and online: stgeorgehollywood.org.


ROSLINDALE, MA – The Rathamanthus Ide Chapter of Boston invite you to our Vasilopita dance at St. Nectarios Greek Church, 39 Belgrade Avenue in Roslindale, Saturday, Jan. 12 7:30 PM-1 AM, featuring wonderful food live Cretan music and Cretan dance performances. Special appearance by Agio Vasili! More information is available by phone: 617-327-1983 or email: info@stnectariosma.org.


WORCESTER, MA – Saint Spyridon Ladies Philoptochos Society hosts the Annual Vasilopita Luncheon on Sunday, Jan. 13, following the Divine Liturgy at St. Spyridon Greek Cathedral, 102 Russell Street in Worcester. Donation: $20 for Adults, $10 for Children 10 and under. Proceeds to benefit St. Basil Academy. More information is available by phone: 508-791-7326 and online: spyridoncathedral.org.


CHICAGO, IL – The Great Vespers for the feast day of St. Anthony will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 16, 7-8:30 PM at St. Anthony Chapel, Metropolis of Chicago, 40 E. Burton Place in Chicago. More information is available by phone: 312-337-4130 and online: chicago.goarch.org.


BOSTON, MA – Hellenic College Holy Cross Alumni Night Out in Boston takes place Friday, Jan. 18, 6-10 PM, at Uno Pizzeria & Grill, 645 Beacon Street. All HCHC alumni are invited to reconnect with friends and classmates and enjoy a night of food, fun, and fellowship. RSVP to Maria Bregianos at mbregianos@hchc.edu by January 4.


MANHATTAN – EMBCA presents The International Contribution of the Hellenic Merchant Fleet During World War II and the “Blessed” Liberty Ships on Thursday, Jan. 24, 6 PM, at the 3 West Club, 3 West 51 Street in Manhattan. EMBCA’s President Lou Katsos will introduce the event and discuss briefly the history of the modern Hellenic Shipping Fleet. Presenters will include author/historian Alexander Billinis on the Hellenic Merchant Mariners, Unsung Heroes of a Heroic Nation; Sen. Leonidas Raptakis on the Liberty Project; and James Tampakis, Owner of Marine Spares International, on The Refurbishing and Prepping of the SS Arthur M. Huddell (Hellas Liberty), now a museum in Piraeus. More information is available online at: embca.com.


BOCA RATON, FL – St. Mark Greek Orthodox Church, 2100 NW 51st Street in Boca Raton, holds its 37th Annual Greek Festival. Enjoy homemade Greek food and pastries, tavernas with live music, Greek dancing, sanctuary tours, rides, vendors, VIP parking on grounds, free parking at Patch Reef Park (adjacent to church) with shuttle, raffles, Greek grocery store and market. Come to South Florida’s largest Greek Festival and experience authentic Greek heritage, culture, and Orthodox Christianity. Hours: Thursday, Jan. 24, 4-9 PM; Friday, Jan. 25 and Saturday, Jan. 26, 11 AM-11 PM; and Sunday, Jan. 27, Noon-9 PM. More information is available by phone: 561-994-4822 and online: greekfestivalboca.org.


SARASOTA, FL – St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church, 7671 N. Lockwood Ridge Road in Sarasota holds its 35th Annual “Glendi” Greek Festival, February 7-10. Enjoy Greek food and pastries, guided church tours, marketplace, and Yiayia’s Attic Treasurers. Entertainment includes live Greek music and dancing and Kids Adventure Zone. Raffle for Mercedes Benz GLC300 or C300. Admission: Adults: $4, Children under 12: Free. Free parking on-site and off-site with shuttles available from Church of the Trinity, 7225 N. Lockwood Ridge Rd (1 mile. north of St. Barbara’s). Hours: Thursday, Feb. 7; Friday, Feb. 8; and Saturday, Feb. 9, 11 AM-9 PM, Sunday, Feb. 10, noon-8 PM. More information is available by phone: 941-355-2616 and online: stbarbarafestival.org.

The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.

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