ATHENS – The National Library of Greece (NLG) at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center is celebrating the “Logos 5” event cycle.
An event entitled “The Future of the Past of Greek immigration and the Diaspora” will be held on Thursday, Dec. 20 from 7:30-9:30 PM at the Book Tower.
In the framework of the collective interdisciplinary and inter-university research project ImmiGrec, which studies Greek immigration in Canada and is funded by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, historians of Greek immigration as well as experts in archives and immigration museums in other countries (Australia, France, Germany, United Kingdom, USA, Canada, the Netherlands, Poland) will meet and converse in two roundtables, with the following topics:
- The Challenges for the History of Greek Immigration and the Diaspora of the 21st Century.
- Exhibiting, Writing, and Visualizing the Stories of Immigrants in the Digital Age.
With this event, the NLG participates in the effort to preserve and rescue the testimonies of the post-war immigrant generation that is gradually disappearing while exploring the new 21st century immigration.
Roundtables are coordinated by Tassos Anastasiadis, Associate Professor at McGill University in Canada. The program of events is organized by the NLG President of the Board of Trustees Stavros Zoumboulakis. Entrance is free to the public.
The program follows.
1. Round table: The Challenges for the History of Greek Immigration and the Diaspora of the 21st Century.
Georgios Anagnostou, Professor, Ohio State University (USA).
Lina Venturas, Professor, Panteion University.
Alexander Kitroeff, Associate Professor, Haverford College (USA).
Anastasia Christou, Associate Professor, Middlesex University (United Kingdom).
2. Round Table: Exhibiting, Writing, and Visualizing the Stories of Immigrants in the Digital Age.
Alexandra Cherry, Public Programs Coordinator, Canadian Museum of Immigration of Pier 21, Halifax (Canada).
Kristin Rasina, Director, Archives of Population Survey, The Hague.
Isabelle Renard, Head of Collections and Exhibitions, National Museum of the History of Immigration, Paris.
George D. Tselos, Supervisory Archivist and Head of Reference Services at the Statue of Liberty National Monument and Ellis Island, New York.
Sebastian Tyrakowski, Deputy Director, Emigration Museum of Gdynia (Poland).
National Library of Greece
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center
NLG Book Tower
Thursday, Dec. 20, 7:30-9:30 PM
Free admission.

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