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Going on in Our Community


TARPON SPRINGS, FL – Workshops in Greek Bouzouki with Leonidas Zafiris and Elias Poulos, Sundays, 2-4 PM, October 28; November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2 and 9, at Safford House, 23 Parkin Ct. in Tarpon Springs. Fee: $5 donation per class requested. The City of Tarpon Springs is pleased to present a series of workshops in Greek bouzouki for youth and adults by Leonidas Zafiris and Elias Poulos. Classes will be divided into beginning (2-3 PM) and advanced (3-4 PM) sections. Students should bring an instrument, and there will be a few bouzoukis available on site for beginning students. In addition, a limited number of bouzoukis are available through a Bouzouki Lending Program at the Tarpon Springs Public Library, 138 E. Lemon Street. 727-943-4922. More information is available by contacting Tina Bucuvalas 727-937-1130 or tbucuvalas@ctsfl.us. Classes are funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

GLENVIEW, IL – The Holly Jolly Holiday Faire at Sts. Peter and Paul, 1401 Wagner Road in Glenview, hosted by the Sts. Peter and Paul Philoptochos, on Saturday, Dec. 1, 10:30 AM-4:30 PM. Enjoy a luncheon of delicious Greek cuisine served from 11:30 AM-2:30 PM. Carry-outs are available. Homemade pastries, local artisans and vendors. Santa will visit from 10:30 AM-3 PM. General admission: $3. Students and children: no charge. More information is available by phone: 847-729-2231 and online: ssppglenview.org.

MANHATTAN – You’re invited to Faux-Bia! The Musical, a new musical comedy in the style of Aristophanes, produced by Popular Theater, under the auspices of the Greek National Tourism Organization, the General Consulate of Greece in New York, and AHEPA Delphi Chapter 25, at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan on Sunday, Dec. 2, 7 PM. Please visit www.carnegiehall.org for tickets and www.populartheater.com for details.

MANHATTAN – Comedian Ellen Karis performs stand-up at the Broadway Comedy Club, 318 West 53rd Street in Manhattan on Sunday, Dec. 2. More information is available online: ellenkaris.com.

YOUNGSTOWN, OH – Basile the Comedian performs at the Funny Farm Comedy Club, 110 W Federal Street in Youngstown on Friday, Dec. 7, 8 PM and 10 PM, and Saturday, Dec. 8, 7 PM and 9:30 PM. More information is available online: funnyfarmcomedyclub.com and basilelive.com.

MANHATTAN – The Greek-American Writers Assn. invites you to a dynamic and entertaining program of words and music at the CorneliaStreet Café, 29 Cornelia Street in Manhattan, on Saturday, Dec. 8, 6-8 PM. Cast members including AngelikaSandora, Sophia Dama, John Baxter, and Sylvana Gonzalez will perform songsfrom the award-winning new musical comedy Faux-Bia. Dr. Philip T. Yanos willdiscuss his new book, Written Off: Mental Health Stigma and the Lossof Human Potential.The open mic willfeature actress Sophia Yannis, story-teller Nicholas Zaharakos, playwright MaryPerifimos, and pianist Lou Dalaveris playing the Chopin Scherzo No. 3.$10 includes
admission and a drink.

BILOXI, MS – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 255 Beauvoir Road in Biloxi, holds its International Christmas Festival on Saturday, Dec. 8, 10 AM-5 PM. Featuring Greek music, dancing, and kids activities as well as the different cultures that comprise Holy Trinity’s congregation, with ethnic folk dancing and traditional foods from Greece, Russia, the Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Germany, and Hungary. There will be ethnic foods, baked goods, pastries, and gifts, and church tours.
Admission is free and parking is free around the church. More information is available by phone: 228-388-6138 and online: holytrinitybiloxi.org.

CHICAGO, IL – The Family Christmas Party at the National Hellenic Museum, 333 S. Halsted in Chicago, will be held on Saturday, Dec. 8, 1 PM. More information is available by phone: 312-655-1234 and online: nationalhellenicmuseum.org.

PORTLAND, ME – Holiday Concert at Holy Trinity Greek Church, 133 Pleasant Street in Portland, on Saturday, Dec. 8, 4 PM, featuring the USM Chamber Singers directed by Nicolás Alberto Dosman. A reception will follow the concert. Admission is free, donations welcome. More information is available by phone 207-774-0281 and online: holytrinityportland.org.

CHICAGO, IL – The Greektown Tree Lighting takes place on Saturday, Dec. 8, 5-6 PM at Halsted and Van Buren Streets in Greektown Chicago. In addition to the Christmas tree lighting, there will be carolers and musicians on-site caroling through our Greektown restaurants where you’ll find plenty of food options and starting December 1 you can stop in and see our display of 30+ hand painted Christmas boats, the Greektown Karavakia Display. Mark your calendar to kick off the holiday season! More information is available online: greektownchicago.org.

ASTORIA – The Carnival of Love Foundation invites you to Christmas in Candyland! Join us in celebrating the magic of the past 10 years, as we come home to where it all began… Central Lounge, on Thursday, Dec. 13, 8 PM. No cover. Cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, sweet surprises. Donations raised will support the opening of a Healing Arts Community Center for families living with autism and special needs. More information is available online: carnivaloflove.org.

STAMFORD, CT – Archdiocese Byzantine Christmas Concert jointly hosted by the Archangels community, the Yale University School of Sacred Music and Saint Vladimir’s School of Theology. The renowned Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir will perform with support from the Yale Institute of Sacred Music and St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary on Saturday, Dec. 15, 7-8 PM at the Church of the Archangels 1527 Bedford Street in Stamford. Tickets: $30 per person. Reception to follow in the Greek Cultural Center. More information is available by phone: 203-348-4216 and by email: office@archangelsgoc.org and online: archangelsgoc.org.

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – The Metropolis Christmas Open House takes place on Saturday, Dec. 15, 3-6 PM at Metropolis House, 372 Santa Clara Avenue in San Francisco. Enjoy an afternoon of festive holiday cheer, refreshments, and Christmas Carols to celebrate the beautiful season of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.RSVP by December 7to metropolis@sanfran.goarch.org or 415-753-3075.For more details on this year’s charity and how you can help those in need during this beautiful season of giving, visit: sanfran.goarch.org.

CHICAGO, IL – The Metropolis Christmas Celebration at the Metropolis of Chicago, 40 E. Burton Place in Chicago will be held on Sunday, Dec. 16, 5-9 PM. More information is available by phone: 312-337-4130 and online: chicago.goarch.org.

The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.

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