English words that begin with the prefix geo-, which means earth, come directly from similar Greek words. By analyzing the second component of these words, you will see how many Greek words you already know without realizing it.
English word Greek word Pronunciation
Geography η γεωγραφία EE geograFEEa
geographer ο γεωγράφος O geoGRAfos
geographic γεωγραφικός geographiKOS
geographical γεωγραφικός geografiKOS
Geology η γεωλογία EE geoloYEEa
geologist ο γεωλόγος O geoLOyos
geologic γεωλογικός geoloyiKOS
geological γεωλογικός geoloyiKOS
Geometry η γεωμετρία EE geomeTREEa
geometer ο γεωμέτρης O geoMEtris
geometric γεωμετρικός geometriKOS
geometrical γεωμετρικός geometriKOS
geocentric γεωκεντρικός geoKEntrikos
Geochronology ηγεωχρονολογία EE geokhronoloYEEa
Geomorphology ηγεωμορφολογία EE geomorpholoYEEa
Geochemistry ηγεωχημεία EE geokhiMEEa
geodynamic γεωδυναμικός geodinamiKOS
geomagnetic γεωμαγνητικός geomagnitiKOS
geophysical γεωφυσικός geofisiKOS
Geophysics ηγεωφυσική EE geofisiKEE
Geopolitics ηγεωπολιτική EE geopolitiKEE
Many English words of disciplines end in the suffixes -logy, -graphy, -metry, which derive from Greek verbs.
Comes from the Greek verb εγώγράφω (eYOGRAfo) and the noun η γραφή (EE graFEE). They mean I write and the writing.
Comes from the Greek verb εγώλέω (eYOLEo) and the noun ο λόγος (O LOyos). The verb means I say, I tell, I talk about and the noun means the talk.
Comes from the Greek verb εγώμετράω (eYOmeTRAo) and the noun τομέτρο (TO MEtro). The verb means I count, I measure and the noun means the measure, the meter.
If we analyze the above words in their components, you will realize that you are familiar with many more Greek words than you may think.
Geo+centric = γεω+κεντρικός > γη + κέντρο.
Geo+dynamic = γεω+δυναμικός > γη + δύναμη
Geo+magnetic = γεω+μαγνητικός > γη + μαγνήτης
Geo+morpho+logy = γεω+μορφο+λογία > γη + μορφή + λόγος
Geo+chrono+logy = γεω+χρονο+λογία > γη + χρόνος + λόγος
Geo+chemistry = γεω+χημεία > γη + χημεία
Geo+physical = γεω+φυσικός > γη + φυσικός
Geo+physics = γεω+φυσική > γη + φυσική
Geo+politics = γεω+πολιτική > γη + πολιτική
Greek word Pronunciation Meaning
Τοκέντρο TO KEntro the center
Ο κεντρικός O kentriKOS central
Η μορφή EE moRFEE the shape, the form, person
Ο λόγος O LOyos the speech, the talk
Ο χρόνος O KHROnos time
Η χημεία EE hiMEEa chemistry
Η δύναμη EE DEEnami power
Ο δυναμικός OdinamiKOS dynamic
Ο μαγνήτης O maGNEEtis the magnet
Η φύση EE FEEsi nature
Η φυσική EE fisiKEE physics
Η πολιτική EE politiKEE politics
Ο πολιτικός O politiKOS the politician
Η πόλη EE POLi the city, the town
A general rule is that Greek nouns that refer to a discipline usually end in -ια, while in English end in -y. Therefore, the discipline is: γεωγραφ-ία, γεωλογ-ία, γεωμετρ-ία, γεωμορφολογ-ία, γεωχρονολογ-ία (geograph-y, geolog-y, geometr-y, geomorpholog-y, geochronology-y). They are considered of feminine grammatical gender and take the article η.
The words that refer to the relevant scientist usually end in -ος, while in English end in -ist or -er. Ο γεωγράφος, ο γεωλόγος (the geographer, the geologist), but ο γεωμέτρης (=the geometer). Note the connection between the ending -τρης in the Greek word γεωμέτρης and the ending -ter in the English word geometer.
The relevant adjectives end in -ικος, while in English end in -ic or -ical:Γεωγραφικός, γεωλογικός, γεωμετρικός, γεωμαγνητικός, γεωδυναμικός, γεωφυσικός, γεωκεντρικός (geographic or geographical, geologic or geological, geometric or geometrical, geomagnetic, geodynamic, geophysical, geocentric).
i (idiom), ee (needle), e (energy), o (organism), oo (boot), y (yes), h (helium), th (theory), d (the). The capitalized syllables are accented.
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