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Going on in Our Community



TARPON SPRINGS, FL – Workshops in Greek Bouzouki with Leonidas Zafiris and Elias Poulos, Sundays, 2-4 PM, October 28;  November 4, 11, 18, and 25; December 2 and 9, at Safford House, 23 Parkin Ct. in Tarpon Springs. Fee: $5 donation per class requested. The City of Tarpon Springs is pleased to present a series of workshops in Greek bouzouki for youth and adults by Leonidas Zafiris and Elias Poulos. Classes will be divided into beginning (2-3 PM) and advanced (3-4 PM) sections. Students should bring an instrument, and there will be a few bouzoukis available on site for beginning students. In addition, a limited number of bouzoukis are available through a Bouzouki Lending Program at the Tarpon Springs Public Library, 138 E. Lemon Street. 727-943-4922. More information is available by contacting Tina Bucuvalas 727-937-1130 or tbucuvalas@ctsfl.us. Classes are funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.


MANHATTAN – The Ilias Lalaounis Gallery, 31 East 64th Street in Manhattan, as part of NYC Jewelry Week 2018 presents the Studio Jewelry Exhibition: History and Making Under the Light of the Acropolis by students and faculty from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, Monday Nov. 12- Saturday, Nov. 17, 11 AM-6 PM. A collaboration between The Massachusetts Collegeof Artand Design, Boston; The Ilias Lalaounis Gallery, New York City, and The Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum, Athens, Greece. More information is available by phone: 212-439-9400 and on Eventbrite search: Ilias Lalaounis Gallery.


DAYTONA BEACH, FL – St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 129 N. Halifax Avenue in Daytona Beach, holds its annual Greek festival November 15-18. Enjoy Greek foods, pastries, drinks, live Greek music and dancing, and more. Easy parking with shuttle. Hours: Thursday, Nov. 15, Friday, Nov. 16, and Saturday, Nov. 17, 11 AM-10 PM; and Sunday, Nov. 18, 11 AM-8 PM. More information is available by phone: 386-252-6012 and online: stdemetriosdaytona.org.


CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, 100 Perry Drive in Charlottesville, holds its Greek Festival on Friday, Nov. 16, 10 AM-8 PM. Greek Fest features Luncheon, Dinner, and Bake Sale. Lunch and dinner serving traditional Greek pastichio and spanakopita or vegetarian tiropita and spanakopita. Both meals include Greek-style green beans, Greek salad, roll, beverage, and a Greek cookie. Bake sale items include Greek pastries, galatoboureko, koulourakia, kourambiedes, finikia, and karidopita, as well as bread, dolmades, and more. Many items can be frozen and enjoyed whenever you have a craving for a taste of the Mediterranean. A Raffle will also be held. Admission is free. Cost of lunch or dinner is $15. Parking is available in church lot and on the street.More information is available by phone: 434-295-5337 and online: transfiguration.va.goarch.org.

MANHATTAN–On Friday, Nov. 16, 7:30 PM at St. John Nepomucene        

411 East 66th St. in Manhattan, Psaltikon, with Artistic Director Spyridon Antonopoulos, performs ancient psalmody and virtuosic chants for evening worship composed by Emmanuel Chrysaphes, the fifteenth century composer and musical theorist, who worked for the last two Byzantine emperors before retiring to the island of Crete. Tickets and more information available on Eventbrite search: Concert: Vespers by Manuel Chrysaphes.


CHICAGO, IL – The Loukoumi Make A Difference Foundation’s Loukoumi Good Deed Bus will be making stops in Chicago on Saturday, Nov. 17 beginning with the Hellenic American Academy, 445 Pine Street in Deerfield, IL where participants will board the bus at 10 AM. Admission is free, lunch is provided, and everyone has fun making a difference. Bus stop #1 is the Orphans of the Storm Animal Shelter, 2200 Riverwoods Rd. in Deerfield, 11 AM- 12 noon.Bus stop #2 the Hellenic American Academy, 12:30-1:30 PM,includes book reading and making cards for worthy causes.Bus stop #3:The Greek American Rehabilitation & Care Center, 220 N. First Street in Wheeling, IL, 3-4 PM, to deliver Thanksgiving cardsand students from the Hellenic American Academy will perform songs. More information is available online: loukoumifoundation.org.

BOSTON, MA –On Saturday, Nov. 17, 8 PM, at the Emmanuel Church, Lindsay Chapel, 15 Newbury St. in Boston, Psaltikon, with Artistic Director Spyridon Antonopoulos, performs ancient psalmody and virtuosic chants for evening worship composed by Emmanuel Chrysaphes, the fifteenth century composer and musical theorist, who worked for the last two Byzantine emperors before retiring to the island of Crete. The concert features music transcribed from Chrysaphes’ autographs, most of which has not been heard in the modern era. Sponsored by the Mary Jaharis Center for Byzantine Art and Culture as part of the 2018-2019 Boston Byzantine Music Festival. Tickets and more information available on Eventbrite search: Concert: Vespers by Manuel Chrysaphes.


MANHATTAN – On Monday, Nov. 19, 6-8 PM Hellenic Professional Women Inc. in collaboration with Kleos Mastiha Spirit invites you to its “Cocktails & Connect – NYC” event at Greca, 452 Washington Street in Manhattan. Effie Panagopoulos, Founder of Kleos Mastiha Spirit, will talk about her journey in creating her brand. Complimentary appetizers, cash bar. Please visit www.hellenicprofessionalwomen.org for details.


FLUSHING – The Association of Asgata “Cyprus” Annual Dinner Dance takes place on Saturday, Nov. 24, 7 PM at Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th Street in Flushing Meadows. For tickets and info, please contact Loula Antoniou at 347-345-7407 or Peter Louca at 516-679-2205.


GARFIELD, NJ – Cyprus Children’s Fund, Inc. invites you to its 2018 Annual Testimonial Dinner, honoring Mr. Savas Tsivicos, Former National Chairman & President of CCF, at The Venetian, 546 River Drive in Garfield, on Sunday, Nov. 25, 5 PM. Please visit www.cyprus-childrensfund.org for details.


MANHATTAN – The Monthly Social & Networking with the Manhattan-based AHEPA Family Chapters, Delphi #25 and the Daughters of Penelope, Evryklea Chapter #36, at Kellari Taverna, 19 West 44th Street in Manhattan, takes place Monday. Nov. 26, 6-8 PM. All existing members and those interested in becoming members are invited to attend. Open to ladies and gentlemen; casual business attire. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres; cash bar.Please contact ahepa25.delphinyc@gmail.com for details.


ISELIN, NJ – The Greek American Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce, invites you to Strategies and Habits that Help Achieve Success, featuring Nancy Papaioannou, President of Atlantic Bank, at EisnerAmper LLC,111 Wood Ave. South in Iselin, on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 7 PM. Please visit www.greekamericanchamber.com for details.


MANHATTAN – The East Mediterranean Business Culture Alliance (EMBCA) invites you to The State of NYC Residential Development, Design & Construction – Fall 2018 Discussion Panel, in honor and memory of Costas Kondylis, at The Russian Tea Room in Manhattan on Thursday, Nov. 29, 6:30 PM. Please visit www.embca.com for details.


MANHATTAN –You’re invited to Faux-Bia! The Musical, a new musical comedy in the style of Aristophanes, produced by Popular Theater, under the auspices of the Greek National Tourism Organization, the General Consulate of Greece in New York, and AHEPA Delphi Chapter 25, at Zankel Hall at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan on Sunday, Dec. 2, 7 PM. Please visit www.carnegiehall.org for tickets and www.populartheater.com for details.


BILOXI, MS–Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 255 Beauvoir Road in Biloxi, holds its International ChristmasFestival on Saturday, Dec. 8, 10 AM-5 PM. Featuring Greek music, dancing, and kids activities as well as the different cultures that comprise Holy Trinity’s congregation, with ethnic folk dancing and traditional foods from Greece, Russia, the Ukraine, Romania, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Germany, and Hungary. There will be ethnic foods, baked goods, pastries, and gifts, and church tours.

Admission is freeand parking is free around the church.

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