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Going on in Our Community



NEW YORK – The Onassis Cultural Center New Yorkpresents Birds: A Festival Inspired by Aristophanes,comprising a rich array of events that consider the enduring—and, currently, pressing—central themes of Aristophanes’ ancient satire, The Birds, April 22- July 8. The festival is produced by Onassis Cultural Center New York for the American premiere of Nikos Karathanos’ uproarious and poetic adaptation of the original Aristophanes play, presented by St. Ann’s Warehouseand Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens. Upcoming events include the family-friendly Bring the Cool: Express Yourself! Saturday, Jun. 16, 12-4 PM at the Brooklyn Museum,200 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn. The event, hosted in partnership with Cool Culture and P.S. 1 Elementary School, and co-presented with the Onassis Cultural Center New York, is free for Cool Culture and P.S. 1 families, and free to the general public with Museum general admission.More information is available online at: onassisusa.org.


TARPON SPRINGS, FL – The City of Tarpon Springs will present Night in the Islands–a free event on the world famous Sponge Docks (Dodecanese Blvd. between Athens and Roosevelt Streets) on July 7, August 4, and October 6 this year. Enjoy a Greek panygiri with music, dancing, and dining! And we will offer an hour of free Greek dance lessons by the Levendia Dance Troupe from 6-7 PM. Night in the Islands will feature the engaging music of Odyssey in April and May, and in July, August, and September we will feature Ellada in front of the Sponge Exchange. To reserve a table for dinner, please contact participating restaurants Costa’s, Hellas, Mama’s, or Mykonos. This popular event is free, thanks to funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Tarpon Springs Merchants Association. For more information, contact Tina Bucuvalas at 727-916-0235 or tbucuvalas@ctsfl.us.

MAY 18-JUNE 30

DETROIT, MI – Angeliki’s Dowry Chest, An Exhibition and Estate Sale, opening Friday, May 18, 6-9 PM and running through June 30, presented by Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue in Detroit. Visit Instagram @angelikisdowrychest.

JUNE 21-23

PORTLAND, ME – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 133 Pleasant Street in Portland, holds its three-day Greek Festival Thursday, Jun. 21- Saturday, Jun. 23, 11:30 AM-9:30 PM. The wonderful family event draws more than 10,000 visitors from around the greater Portland area every year. Along with the exquisite Greek cuisine, enjoy live music, and traditional dancing. More information is available by phone: 207-774-0281 and online at: http://www.holytrinityportland.org/festival.asp.

JUNE 22-24

CAMARILLO, CA – St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church’s 2018 Ventura County Greek Festival takes place June 22-24 at Freedom Park at the Camarillo Airport, 515 Eubanks Street in Camarillo. Admission $5 and includes a free Raffle Ticket for a chance to win $3,000. Enjoy the authentic Greek food, music, dance performances, church tours, shopping, rides and events for kids. Hours: Friday, Jun. 22, 5-10 PM; Saturday, Jun. 23, 11 AM-10 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 24, 11 AM-7 PM. More information is available by phone: 805-482-1273 and online at: http://vcgreekfestival.org.

JUSTICE, IL – Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church, 7560 S. Archer Road in Justice, holds the annual Greek Festival June 22-24. Everyone is invited for the authentic Greek food and pastries, kids’ rides and games, vendors, and church tours. Hours: Friday, Jun. 22 and Saturday, Jun. 23, 5-11 PM, and Sunday, Jun. 24, 12-11 PM. More information is available by phone: 708-594-2040.

MILWAUKEE, WI – Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church holds its annual Greek Festival June 22-24 at the Wisconsin State Fair Park, 640 S 84th Street in West Allis, WI. With authentic Greek food, live music and dancing, rides and games, and all proceeds benefitting Annunciation Church. Hours: Friday, Jun. 22 and Saturday, Jun. 23, 11 AM-11 PM, and Sunday, Jun. 24, 11 AM-9 PM. More information is available by phone: 414-461-9400 and online at: www.annunciationwi.org/category/greek-fest/.

OAKMONT, PA – Dormition of the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Church, 12 Washington Avenue in Oakmont, holds its 43rd Annual Greek Food Fest, June 22-24, one of the premier Greek food festivals in the Pittsburgh area. There is always plenty of authentic Greek food and pastries, along with live music and dance performances late afternoon and evenings. Hours: Noon-11 PM. More information is available by phone: 412-828-4144 and online at: dormitionpgh.org/greek-food-festival/.


MANHATTAN – The Manhattan Chapter of AHEPA, Delphi #25, invites you to its Monthly Social & Networking Event at Kellari Taverna, 19 West 44th Street in Manhattan, on Monday, Jun. 25, 6-8 PM. Last one before summer recess. All existing members, those interested in joining, and those interested in networking are encouraged to attend. Open to ladies and gentlemen – casual business attire. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres – cash bar. Please contact ahepa25.delphinyc@gmail.com for details.


BOSTON – Please join us for the annual Greek Heritage Night at Fenway Park, 4 Yawkey Way in Boston, on Wednesday, Jun. 27. This special event will feature a pre-game ceremony at 6:15 PM honoring local and influential leaders of the Greek Community. Net proceeds will benefit the Metropolis of Boston Camp. Red Sox Tickets for the Greek Heritage Night are available online at: https://groupmatics.events/event/GreekHeritageVIP2018 and https://groupmatics.events/event/GreekHeritage2018.

JUNE 29-30

PORTSMOUTH, NH – The 43rd Annual St. Nicholas Greek Festival, 40 Andrew Jarvis Drive in Portsmouth, takes place June 29-30. Join us for fresh lamb, moussaka, spanakopita, gyros, and baklava among other Greek favorites as well as live music by Opa! and the Kokoras Ensemble, DJ music by The Salonika Boys. All the food and pastries at the St. Nicholas Greek Festival taste just like your Yiayia’s recipes.Free admission. Hours: Friday 12 noon-10 PM and Saturday 12 noon-11 PM. Greek Dancing Exhibitions by our Greek School Students on Friday and Saturday at 7:30 PM. More information is available by phone: 603-918-6161 and online at: portsmouthgreekfestival.com.


IRVINE, CA – St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church, 4949 Alton Parkway in Irvine, holds its 40th Annual Greek Festival- A Taste of Greece, June 29-July 1. Enjoy authentic Greek food and pastries, music and dancing, church tours, cooking demonstrations, children’s play zone, boutique and gift items from around the world, and raffle. Admission is $3 per person, children under 10 free, Seniors 65+ free on Saturday, 12-5 PM. Hours: Friday, Jun. 29, 5–10 PM; Saturday, Jun. 30, Noon – 10 PM; and Sunday, Jul. 1, Noon – 9 PM. More information is available by phone: 949-733-2366 and online at: irvinegreekfest.com.


CLINTON, MA – Film: Holy Trinity’s Pantocrator–The Ultimate Mosaic Saturday, Jun. 30, 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM at the Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union Street in Clinton. Free with museum admission. Master mosaic iconographer Robert J. Andrews was the resident iconographer for 43 years at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in San Francisco, where his crowning achievement is the 3,400-square-foot Christ Pantocrator icon in the dome—the largest mosaic face of Christ in the Western Hemisphere. This short film provides an inside look into the complex installation of Andrews’ exquisite work of art. Running time 21 minutes. More information is available by phone: 978-598-5000 and online at: www.museumofrussianicons.org.


CLINTON, MA – The New Martyrs: History and Trauma at a Greek Orthodox Monastery on Lesvos with Christopher Halali takes place on Saturday, Jul. 7, 2-4 PM at the Museum of Russian Icons, 203 Union Street in Clinton. Members $8, Nonmembers $12. This lecture presentation will focus on the unique history and rituals of the Monastery of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene on the island of Lesvos. One of the most visited pilgrimage sites in the Orthodox world, the monastery is particularly interesting in the way it structures its story in relation to historical trauma, religious faith, and modern Greek “national consciousness.” Christopher Halali is currently a MALS student in Cultural Studies at Dartmouth College. His thesis research is focused on the Monastery of Sts. Raphael, Nicholas and Irene. More information is available by phone: 978-598-5000 and online at: www.museumofrussianicons.org.

The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.

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