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Going on in Our Community



MANHATTAN – “Songs for Sabotage,” the fourth New Museum Triennial, questions how individuals and collectives around the world might effectively address the connection of images and culture to the forces that structure our society. The exhibition features a diverse group of international artists, including Greek artists Kernel (founded in 2009, Athens, Greece, by Pegy Zali, Petros Moris, and Theodoros Giannakis; live and work in Athens) and Manolis D. Lemos (Athens, Greece) and runs through May 27 at the New Museum, 235 Bowery in Manhattan’s SoHo. More information is available online at www.newmuseum.org.


WASHINGTON, DC – The Embassy of Greece and the Hellenic Ephorate of Antiquities of Kavala-Thasos invite you to the Opening of the photography exhibition Archaeological Site of Philippi: A Landmark of European Heritage on Thursday, May 3, 6:30-8:30 PM at the Embassy of Greece, 2217 Massachusetts Ave NW in Washington, DC. The Archaeological Site of Philippi is included in UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Monuments since 2016. The photo exhibition is free and will be on display at the Embassy of Greece until June 1. Visiting Hours: Monday-Friday, 10 AM-3 PM. The exhibition is generously sponsored by Raycap and is part of the European Union Month of Culture in DC. RSVP for the opening on Eventbrite.


NEW YORK – The Onassis Cultural Center New Yorkpresents Birds: A Festival Inspired by Aristophanes,comprising a rich array of events that consider the enduring—and, currently, pressing—central themes of Aristophanes’ ancient satire, The Birds, April 22- July 8. The festival is produced by Onassis Cultural Center New York for the American premiere of Nikos Karathanos’ uproarious and poetic adaptation of the original Aristophanes play, presented by St. Ann’s Warehouseand Onassis Cultural Centre-Athens. More information is available online at: onassisusa.org.


TARPON SPRINGS, FL – The City of Tarpon Springs will present Night in the Islands–a free event on the world famous Sponge Docks (Dodecanese Blvd. between Athens and Roosevelt Streets) on May 19, July 7, August 4, and October 6 this year. Enjoy a Greek panigiri with music, dancing, and dining! And we will offer an hour of free Greek dance lessons by the Levendia Dance Troupe from 6-7 PM. Night in the Islands will feature the engaging music of Odyssey in April and May, and in July, August, and September we will feature Ellada in front of the Sponge Exchange. In April and May, we will also feature Neos Ihos playing Greek music on the block between Hope and Roosevelt Streets. To reserve a table for dinner, please contact participating restaurants Costa’s, Hellas, Mama’s, or Mykonos. This popular event is free, thanks to funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Tarpon Springs Merchants Association. For more information, contact Tina Bucuvalas at 727-916-0235 or tbucuvalas@ctsfl.us.

MAY 18-JUNE 30

DETROIT, MI – Angeliki’s Dowry Chest, An Exhibition and Estate Sale, opening Friday, May 18, 6-9 PM and running through June 30, presented by Trinosophes, 1464 Gratiot Avenue in Detroit, MI. Visit Instagram @angelikisdowrychest.

MAY 26

PORTSMOUTH, NH – The 12th Annual Rummage Sale at St. Nicholas Greek Church in 40 Andrew Jarvis Drive in Portsmouth takes place on Saturday, May 26, 8 AM-2 PM. A huge selection of items for sale including household goods, furniture, children’s items- clothes, toys, books, and more. Greek pastries available, while they last. More information is available by phone: 603- 436-2733.

MAY 30

ASTORIA – Ti Na Ftaiei Ti Na Ftaiei? a new musical comedy by Phyto Stratis, featuring Greek popular songs, on Wednesday, May 30, 7:30 PM at Dionysos Restaurant, 23-15 31st Street in Astoria. Starring: Demetris Michael, Penny Tsinias, Louis Panayiotou, Aggeliki Psonis, and Phyto Stratis as the Judge.The 90-minute show is performed with live music as guests enjoy a beverage (wine or soft drink) and cold cuts which are included with the ticket. Post-show food menu is available from Dionysos Restaurant at the guests’ expense. Tickets: $30, available online at: www.brownpapertickets.com. Tickets also available at the venue. Additional information is available by phone: 646-595-7303.


ANNAPOLIS, MD – Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 2747 Riva Road in Annapolis, holds its annual Greek Festival May 31-June 3. Features include Greek food and delicacies, live music and dancing, children’s area, cash prize raffle, vendors and imported jewelry, and Grocer’s Corner. Hours: Thursday, May 31, 4-10 PM; Friday, Jun. 1, 11 AM-10 PM, Saturday, Jun. 2, 11AM-11 PM, and Sunday,Jun. 3, 11 AM-7 PM. Admission is free!More information is available by phone: 410-573-2072 and online at: www.annapolisgreekfestival.org.

RICHMOND, VA– Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral, 30 Malvern Avenue in Richmond, holds the 43rd Annual Richmond Greek Festival May 31-June 3. Enjoy delicious food, amazing entertainment, and the diverse Agora Marketplace. Gift certificates are available in $15 increments and can be used on food and drinks (alcoholic beverages excluded). They make excellent gifts and can be purchased easily. Please call the Cathedral office at 804-355-3687 for details. Drive-Thru menu/order form available online. Pro tip: print and fill it out ahead of time to reduce the waiting. Hours: Thursday, May 31, 11 AM- 9 PM; Friday, Jun. 1 and Saturday, Jun. 2, 11 AM-10 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 3, Noon- 7 PM.More information is available by phone: 804-355-3687 and online at: http://www.greekfestival.com.


MANHATTAN –Health Tourism in Greece – Competition – Advantages conference organized by the Greek Health Tourism Associationand held under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism takes place on Friday, Jun. 1, 12:45-5 PM at Jay Suites Grand Central, 1441 Broadway, 6th floor,in Manhattan.Among the speakers scheduled are Konstantinos Tsegas- General Secretary of Greek Tourism Organization,Tasos Filippakos,Panagiotis Koutsikos- Businessman,Presidentof the Conference, and Greek Health Tourism AssociationViceChairman, and Grigoria Kamaterou-Director, Greek National Tourism Organizationfor USA & Canada.More information is available via email: koutsikoshealtht@gmail.com.

JUNE 1-3

SAN JOSE, CA – Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, 1260 Davis Street in San Jose, holds its 47th Annual San Jose Greek Festival June 1-3.Enjoy food, drink, and friendship; it’s all part of philoxenia. Admission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors and students, and free to children under 12. A free admission pass will be posted closer to when the festival arrives. The Festival is wheelchair accessible. Only service animals are allowed. Hours: Friday, Jun. 1, 5-10 PM; Saturday, Jun. 2, 11 AM-10 PM; and Sunday, Jun. 3, 11 AM-9 PM. More information is availableby phone: 408-246-2770 and online at: http://sanjosegreekfestival.org.

BROOKLYN –Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church, 1724 Avenue P in Brooklyn, holds its annual Greek Festival June 1-3. Admission is free with authentic Greek cuisine, live entertainment, pastries, loukoumades, raffles, flea market, rides and games for the kids, and much more. Reserve a table online for Friday, Jun. 1to see Yianni Papastefanou perform live or Saturday, Jun. 2 for Cretan Night. Hours: Friday, Jun. 1, 5 PM – Midnight, Saturday, Jun. 2, Noon – Midnight, and Sunday, Jun. 3 Noon – 8 PM. More information is available by phone: 718-339-0280 and online at:http://www.3hcfestival.com.

JUNE 5-9

WILMINGTON, DE – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church, 808 North Broom Street in Wilmington, holds its 42nd Annual Greek Festival Tuesday, Jun. 5- Saturday, Jun. 9, 11 AM- 11 PM. Admission is free. Enjoy traditional Greek comfort foods, live music by Philadelphia’s Atlantis, performances by Holy Trinity’s Terpsichorean Youth Folk dance group, church tours, and free lunch shuttle from 9th and Market on Tuesday, Jun. 5 – Friday, Jun. 8, 11 AM – 2 PM, running every 10 minutes. All major credit cards accepted. More information is available by phone:302-654-4446, email: info@greekfestde.com, and online at http://greekfestde.com.


ASTORIA –Ti Na Ftaiei Ti Na Ftaiei? a new musical comedy by Phyto Stratis, featuring Greek popular songs, on Wednesday, Jun. 6, 7:30 PM at Dionysos Restaurant, 23-15 31st Street in Astoria. Starring: Demetris Michael, Penny Tsinias, Louis Panayiotou, Aggeliki Psonis, and Phyto Stratis as the Judge. The 90-minute show is performed with live music as guests enjoy a beverage (wine or soft drink) and cold cuts which are included with the ticket. Post-show food menu is available from Dionysos Restaurant at the guests’ expense. Tickets: $30, available online at: www.brownpapertickets.com. Tickets also available at the venue. Additional information is available by phone: 646-595-7303.


MANHATTAN – HABA requests the honor of your presence for our 36th Anniversary and our Executive of the Year Award Dinner 2018, honoring Daniel S. Janis, III, Senior Managing Director & Senior Portfolio Manager, Manulife Asset Management (U.S.) LLC, at the Union League Club of New York on Wednesday, Jun. 13, 6 PM. Please visit https://haba20180613.eventbrite.com for tickets & table sponsorship.


MANHATTAN – The Greek-American Writers Assn. invites you to celebrate summer on June 16 at the final blockbuster program of the year. World-renowned musician Pericles Kanaris will sing and perform his original compositions at the keyboard. Poet Nicholas Alexiou will debut his fifth poetry collection, The Silver Sphynx. Artist CosmoYannis will share his secrets on how he created the dynamic coloring book, They Were Super-Greeks. Saturday, Jun. 16, Cornelia Street Café, 29 Cornelia Street in Manhattan, 6-8 PM. $10 includes admission and a drink.

The post Going on in Our Community appeared first on The National Herald.

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