ORLANDO, FL – AHEPA’s 95th Supreme Convention opened at The Yacht Club Convention Center at Walt Disney World in Orlando, FL. The sun-splashed skies were reminiscent of Greece as thousands of Ahepans from all over the United States, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, Germany and throughout Europe and even from as far away as Australia came together to celebrate Hellenism and the nearly century-old Greek grass roots organization.
The opening ceremonies included some 1000 members representing any one of all four orders: AHEPA, Daughters of Penelope, and their respective junior orders, The Sons of Pericles and the Maids of Athena.
AHEPA Executive Director Basil Mossaidis welcomed the attendees and set forth a schedule of events for the week, including a Greek night, youth activities, special fireworks, an exclusiveAHEPA event at the Epcot Center, and the Grand Banquet.
AHEPA Australia President Peter Ganudis said it was his honor to be with the convention crowd. He emphasized that AHEPA and its values are preached worldwide.
Maids of Athena Grand President Tria Charnas of Ohio explained that being a Maid and participating nationally – promoting Hellenism while learning from the greatest Greek-American leaders – was the opportunity of a lifetime.
Sons of Pericles Supreme President Nick Apostolou, of New Jersey, said being a Son was not only socially fun but also the greatest mentoring program in the world. He encouraged the crowd to reach out to the Youth of Greek America to join, as they are the future.
Supreme Grand President Jan Spanos from California said “we convene to join hands and hearts. The philanthropic works of Ahepa are always rewarded as we leave our Supreme conventions richer than when we came.”
Supreme President Andrew Zachariades thanked all of the chapters, some 450 of them declaring that “our legacy is beyond reproach as AHEPA remains dedicated to Hellenism, the United States, Greece, Cyprus and to our mother church. We need to reach out to our millennials to join us, as what we do makes a difference.”

The convention was opened and Chair Themis Frangos of Illinois chaired the business session. His Vice Chair is Zenon Christodoulou of New Jersey and Secretary is Jim Stasios of North Carolina. Together, they set the agenda for the rest of the week: Medical assistance to Evangelismos, athletics, humanitarian aid, senior housing , scholarships, Cooley’s Anemia research, Journey to Greece, the Hellenic Caucus in Washington, Saint Basil’s Academy, rebuilding the Saint Nicholas Shrine, Service Dogs for Warriors, and Cyprus and Hellenic affairs were merely a fraction of the committees and causes to be addressed.
On July 26, the delegates were apprised that over $1 million in scholarships have gone to undergraduate and graduate students who are members in good standing of the Sons or the Maids, and children of Ahepans. And the Journey to Greece program continues with success to send students to Greece, working toward the achievement of six college credits.Vorkas noted the success of these programs is a tremendous tribute to the respect and commitment Greek-Americans demonstrate regarding education.
Board Chair and Past President Nick Karacostasdiscussed the need to continue AHEPA’s progress into the future. He marshalled AHEPA’s commitment to the St. Nicholas Shrine. During his tenure, AHEPA also raised over $500,000 forGreek relief securing shipments of medical supplies, helping to feed needy children of Greece, assistance to the AHEPA hospital in Greece, and provided education seminars, sponsored regional Hellenic history tournaments, assisted the Ionian Village, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, children’s hospitals, and the Greek-American community. The crowd, in recognition of his accomplishments, gave him a standing ovation.

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