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Our Everyday Greek: This Summer We Speak Greek in the Taxi to our Hotel


Taxis in Greece are not very expensive. You may need to take one to get to your destination more quickly. Learn how to give the taxi driver directions about the name and the address of your hotel. Then watch the meter and learn the basic dialogue to pay the taxi driver for the ride.

This summer we speak Greek. Here are some common phrases and words in everyday conversations, when using a taxi.


Maria and Petros have just arrived from New York to Athens’ Eleftherios Venizelos Airport and have decided to take a taxi to their hotel. This is a common dialogue with the taxi driver in Greek.

Greek phrase            Pronunciation          Translation

Μ: Ταξί, ταξί!              TaXEE, TaXEE!        Taxi, Taxi!

Είστε ελεύθερος; EEste eLEftheros?        Are you available?

Τ: Ναι.             NE.     Yes.

Πού πάτε;      POO PAte? Where are you going?

Π: Πάμε στο   PAme sto       We Are going to

ξενοδοχείο Απόλλων.          xenodoKHEEo aPOlon.     Hotel Apollon.

Τ: Έχετε βαλίτσες;    Ehete vaLEEtses?

Π: Ναι, έχουμε           NE, Ehoome Yes, we have

δύο βαλίτσες.            DEEo vaLEEtses.    two suitcases.

Τ: Ελάτε.         eLAte. Come.

Μ: Ξέρετε πού είναι  XErete POO EEne   Do you know where is

το ξενοδοχείο Απόλλων;     to XenodoKHEEo aPOllon?          Hotel Apollon?

Τ: Είναι στην Ομόνοια.         EEne STEEN oMOnia        It is at Omonia

Στην οδό Αθηνάς      STEEN oDO athiNAS         At Athinas street

αριθμός 41. ariTHMOS 41. number 41.

Μ: Πόση ώρα είναι   POsi Ora EEne         How far is

το ξενοδοχείο TO xenodoKHEEo  the hotel

από το αεροδρόμιο; aPO TO aeroDROmio?       from the airport?

Τ: Είναι μία ώρα. EEne MEEa Ora. It’s an hour.

(After an hour.)

Μ: Πόσο κάνει η κούρσα; POso KAni EE KOOrsa? How much does the ride cost?

Τ: Eίκοσι πέντε ευρώ. EEkosi PEnte (25) evRO. Twenty five euros.

Π: Ορίστε πενήντα (50). oREEste peNEEnta. Here is fifty.

Έχετε ρέστα; Ehete REsta? Do you have change?

Τ: Τα ρέστα σας. TA REsta sas. Your change.

Ευχαριστώ. efhariSTO.       Thank you.

Μ: Κι εμείς.    ΚE eMEEs. We, too.


Greek word    Pronunciation          Meaning

Έχω    Eho     I have

Έχεις  Ehis    you have

Έχει    Ehi      he/she/it has

Έχουμε          Ehoome         we have

Έχετε  Ehete you have

Έχουν                        Ehoon                        they have

Το αεροδρόμιο          TO aeroDROmio      the airport

Το ξενοδοχείο           TO xenodoKHEEo   the hotel

Η τράπεζα      EE TRApeza the bank

Η ταβέρνα EE taVErna        the tavern

Το ταξί            TO taXEE      the taxi

Ελεύθερος     eLEftheros    available

Η οδός           EE oDOS       the street

Ο αριθμός      O ariTHMOS the number

Η βαλίτσα      EE vaLEEtsa                        the suitcase

Οι βαλίτσες    EE vaLEEtses          suitcases

Ελάτε  eLAte  come

Πού     POO   where

Ποιο    piO      which

Πόση ώρα είναι        POsi Ora EEne         how far is

Πόσο κάνει    POso KAni    how much does it cost

Η κούρσα       EE KOOrsa   the ride

Τα ρέστα        TA REsta       change

Ορίστε            oREEste        here you are

Ευχαριστώ    efhariSTO      Thank you.

Και      KE       and, too

Εμείς  eMEES          we

Note that in Greek the verb endings indicate the person, so we may omit the I, you, we etc. pronouns.


Try to match the phrases in English with their translation in Greek:

  1. Where do you go? 1. Πού είναι το ξενοδοχείο σας;
  2. Which is your hotel? 2. Έχετε βαλίτσες;
  3. Where is your hotel? 3. Πού πάτε;
  4. Do you have any suitcases? 4. Ποιο είναι το ξενοδοχείο σας;
  5. How much does it cost? 5. Έχετε ρέστα;
  6. Do you have change? 6. Πόσο κάνει;

What would you answer to these questions in Greek?


i (idiom), ee (needle), e (energy), o (organism), oo (boot), y (yes), h (helium), th (theory), d (the). The capitalized syllables are accented.

The post Our Everyday Greek: This Summer We Speak Greek in the Taxi to our Hotel appeared first on The National Herald.

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