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Going On


Keep in touch daily with our community’s events in. Send us your story, we will be happy to post it.


BOSTON –Come join us on Sunday, Apr. 30, at 1PM for the annual Boston Greek Independence Day Parade commemorating Greece’s march to freedom which began on March 25th, 1821. The parade route is Boylston Street to Charles Street and ending at Boston Common where there will be a celebration of Greek music, Greek traditional dances, and Greek food. The Grand Marshals will be His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston; Honorable Mayor of Boston Martin Walsh.More information is available by contacting the organizers of the Boston Greek parade, the Federation of Hellenic-American Societies of New England by phone at:  617-930-1518 or by email to: fhasne@gmail.com.

CHICAGO – Hellenic Heritage Parade, Chicago’s Greek Independence Day Parade,steps-off at 2:30 PM, Halsted Street, between Randolph and Van Buren on Sunday, Apr. 30. Since 1964, the Greek American community has made this event a fun time for all to enjoy colorful traditional costumes, a sense of community, and genuine Hellenic spirit. More information is available online at www.opachicago.com/events/chicagos-greek-independence-day-parade-2017.

MANHATTAN – On Sunday, Apr. 30, from 6:30-10:30 PM, The American Community Schools of Athens invites you to its Inaugural Global Alumni Achievement Awards Dinner, honoring Dr. Scott Parzynski and Dr. Anna Kaltsas with keynote speaker George Logothetis, at the Loeb Boathouse, Central Park in Manhattan. For tickets, please visit www.acsathensglobal.org/event-2268597 or call 347-452-3502.

NORWALK, CT – Sofia Papazoglou Live Concert- a special evening of classic laika and rebetika at the Norwalk Concert Hall 125 East Avenue in Norwalk 6:30-10 PM on Sunday, Apr. 30. Papazoglou sings the Greek blues accompanied by Manolis Pappos on bouzouki, Dasho Kurti on accordion, Vasilis Ketentzoglou on guitar, and Nikos Gyras on stand-up bass. Tickets start at $30 and are available online at greekconcertstatus.com or by phone at 203-947-6234.


BROOKLYN– Edward R. Murrow High School, 1600 Avenue L in Brooklyn, hosts their first officially licensed TEDx event-Education, Inspiration, Revolution, Breaking through Alienation, and Making Art Wherever thou Are,organized by educator Peter Douskalis, in the Papp Theatre on May 4 from 3-5 PM. Notable speakers include Scientist/Artist and Director of Astrovisualization at the American Museum of Natural History, Carter Emmart; television series host of Travel Bare Feet, MickelaMallozzi; session musician and drummer extraordinaire, J.T. Lewis; and artist Chris Riggs. Speakers will also include Principal of Edward R Murrow School, Allen Barge, as well as several students who have incredible ideas worth sharing. The TEDx Program is designed to help communities, organizations and individuals to spark conversation and connection through local TED-like experiences. TEDxERMurrowHigh is licensed under the TEDxYouth program granted by TED. Bringing TEDx events to Edward R Murrow High School is an initiative to expand the schools communications arts programs and offerings. Tickets are available at ermurrowhs.org.

MANHATTAN – The A.S. Onassis Program in Hellenic Studies at NYU presents Greek Cinema Today Spring 2017 Film Series concludes on Thursday May 4 at 6:30 PM at 12 Waverly Place, Room G-08, in Manhattan. Curated by Visiting Prof. Eleftheris Astrinaki, the series will screen Park by Sofia Exarchou on May 4. Free and open to the public, the film screening includes appearances by the filmmakers. More information is available at vt507@nyu.edu or 212-998-3979.


CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, 100 Perry Drive in Charlottesville, Greek Fest Spring 2017 takes place on Friday, May 5 from 10 AM to 6 PM. Enjoy dolmades, spanakopita, tyropita, Greek salad, galatoboureko, koulourakia, kourambiedes, finikia, karidopita, and more Greek favorites. More information is available online at www.transfiguration.va.goarch.org/greek-fest and by phone: 434-295-5337.


HERNDON, VA – Sounds of Cyprus with Peter Douskalis will perform on Saturday, May 6 at the TEDxHerndon, an independently organized TED event based in Herndon in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. The speakers are innovators, leaders, and social changemakers with great ideas worth spreading. The theme of this year’s event is Difficult Conversations. Not all of the Talks will relate directly to this theme, but you can expect to hear ideas related to how we communicate, how we collaborate, and how we think about the future. The 3rd year of the event, this year promises to be the best TEDxHerndon yet. This community event takes place 2-6 PM. The full speaker lineup can be viewed online, and tickets are available on Eventbrite, www.tedxherndon.com.

TARPON SPRINGS, FL – Live Greek music with Ellada, dancing, and outdoor dining on Saturday, May 6, at 6-11 PM presented by the City of Tarpon Springs will present Night in the Islands– a free event on the world famous Sponge Docks, Dodecanese Blvd. between Hope & Athens Streets in Tarpon Springs. We offer an hour of free Greek dance lessons by the Levendia Dance Troupe 6-7 PM. The event features live music by Ellada, an exciting band composed of three of the most accomplished Greek musicians in Florida—Leonidas Zafiris, bouzouki; Elias Poulos, vocals; and Dino Theofilos, keyboard. To reserve a table for dinner, please contact participating restaurants Costa’s, Hellas, Mama’s, or Mykonos. Night in the Islands will also be offered on Saturdays July 15, August 5, September 9, and October 7, 2017. Mark your calendar and make this a regular destination! More information is available from Tarpon Springs Arts by phone: 727-942-5605 or online at www.tarponarts.org.

WOBURN, MA – The 100th Anniversary Gala of Annunciation of the Virgin Mary Greek Church of Woburn takes place on Saturday, May 6 at the Andover Country Club, 60 Canterbury St in Andover. The dinner/dance will feature live music by Ta Dilina. Tickets are available in advance by phone: Kathy Yeomelakis 781-944-7589 or Mike Bibilos 617-519-7100.

MAY 6-7

CRANSTON, RI – The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, 175 Oaklawn Avenue in Cranston, hosts the 2017 Spring Food Fair on Saturday, May 6 from 11 AM to 7 PM and on Sunday, May 7 from 11 AM to 6 PM. The event will feature delicious Greek favorites and sweets. More information is available online at www.annunciationri.org and by phone: 401-942-4188.

MAY 6-14

LOWELL, MA – Clothing Drive Fundraiser at Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, 25 Fr. John Sarantos Way in Lowell. Drop off clean, used clothing, shoes, and linens on Saturday, May 6 and May 13 from 9 AM-12 PM, on Monday, May 8 to Friday, May 12 during office hours (call ahead), and Sunday, May 7 and May 14 after the Divine Liturgy, More information is available by phone: 978-458-4321 or call to schedule a pick up on May 6 or May 13- Sandra Gulezian: 978-649-3387 or email: gulezians@gmail.com.

MAY 11-13

MANHATTAN – The first Greek Panorama exhibition focused on Tourism, Culture and Gastronomy exclusively for Greece is organized by Hellas North American Events Inc. in collaboration with the company North Events and will be held in Manhattan in the iconic Grand Central Terminal, 42nd Street and Vanderbilt Avenue in Manhattan, one of the most important historic buildings in Manhattan, on Thursday, May 11 through Saturday, May 13. The exhibition will take place in Vanderbilt Hall and will include presentations on each tourist destination in Greece and on luxury tourism, Greek gastronomy, real estate, shopping, yachting and cruises, etc. On Friday, May 12 and Saturday, May 13 the exhibition will be open to the public for free. More information is available online at www.greekpanorama.com

MAY 12

MANHATTAN – Rebetiko Night with Rebet Asker at Drom, located at 85 Avenue A between 5th and 6th Streets in Manhattan on Friday, May 12, doors open at 10:30 PM. General Admission is free. Rebet Asker NY is a musical group dedicated to playing authentic rebetika – a popular genre of Greek urban music developed more than 100 years ago. The rebetiko style is a synthesis of elements of European and traditional Greek music, as well as Byzantine and Ottoman Turkish music. Based in New York and performing throughout the US, the group presents familiar rebetika melodies from a unique and contemporary perspective. Among the performers scheduled are Christos, Kostas Psaros on bouzouki, Costas Baltazanis on guitar, Rena Tsapelas vocals, and Mavrothis Kontanis on oud and vocals, with special guest Aphrodite Daniel. Table reservations can be made online at dromnyc.com or by phone: 212-777-1157.

MAY 13

BROOKLINE, MA – The Board of Directors of Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Cambridge is pleased to announce that it will be celebrating the church’s Centennial Anniversary this year. Our first fundraiser will be “An Evening of Rebetika and Laika” a concert featuring the group Rebetoparea, with a special performance by the renowned musician Grigoris Maninakis on Saturday, May 13 at the Cathedral Center, 162 Goddard Avenue in Brookline at 7:30 PM. Please join us for an evening of cocktails, mezedes, live music, and dancing. For reservations, call the church office: 617-876-3601, Eric Sioras: 781-718-5780, Anna Minos: 617-794-1040, or Voula Angelaki: 781-721-7388.

MAY 15-16

BOSTON, MA – AHI is pleased to partner with the Mediterranean Diet Roundtable (MDR) for its third annual conference, which will be held on May 15-16 at the University of Massachusetts Club, 1 Beacon Street 32nd floor, in Boston. The two-day conference entitled A Palate-Opening Program to Change America’s Appetite for the Healthier, features leaders of the food Industry, scholars, and healthcare professionals, dedicated to fostering the development of a healthy, balanced diet in commercial and non-commercial high volume food service establishments, as well as on everyday American tables. An open forum and a thought-provoking event offers educational tastings coupled with scientific evidence and the industry’s best cases studies presented in a unique, intimate setting, illustrating the passion of Mediterranean culinary traditions. More information is available online at www.eventbrite.com/e/the-2017-mdr-mediterranean-diet-roundtable-tickets-29734489659.

MAY 18

MANHATTAN – HABA, Hellenic American Association for Professionals in Finance, invites you to our 35th Anniversary and our Executive of the Year Award Dinner 2017, honoring Alexander Navab, Partner and Head of Americas Private Equity, KKR & Co. LP, on Thursday, May 18 at 6 PM at the Union League Club of New York, 38 East 37th Street in Manhattan. More information is available online at haba.org.


WESTON, MA – The Greek League Basketball Games presented by the Teddy Kariotis Foundation and greekboston.com. Enjoy a night out with fellow Greeks of Boston for some fun competition! Games will be hosted at the Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, 57 Brown Street in Weston. This season will feature teams from Arlington, Boston, Roslindale, Lexington, Norwood and West Roxbury. Games are played every Wednesday night. The season will conclude on Thursday, Jun. 29 with the Championship Game! Want to join our next season? Get in touch right away as we are already preparing our Summer and Fall seasons! Check out our Facebook Page: @thegreekleagueboston for news, pictures, scores, and sign up information! More information is available by phone: 781-237-5561.

The post Going On appeared first on The National Herald.

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