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Church in Reading Continues Centennial Celebration

READING, PA – Last year, the parish of Saints Constantin
e and Helen in Reading, PA
celebrated its 100
th anniversary, and marked the occasion with a Gala at the
Plaza Hotel in nearby Wyomissing, as TNH reported (“Sts. C
onstantine and Helen in PA
– 100 Years,” May 24, 2014).
Over a year later, immediately following Sunday Liturgy
on July 26, the commemorative
hardcover book of the centennial celebration was unveiled
. Why did it take so long for
the book to come out? Procrastination? Hardly. One look a
t the thoroughness, quality,
and beauty of the book explains it. Good things take tim
e to be crafted.
“I have seen many commemorative editions over the years” sai
d Father Tom Pappalas,
who has served the community longer than any other priest
– for over 30 years, “but this
one is really the best I’ve seen.”
The driving force behind the book, and the celebratio
n was the Centennial Celebration
Committee’s General Chairman, Gust Kraras. At age 94,
Kraras has faithfully served
the parish for 65 years. One might assume that his title
of General Chairman was an
honorary one – a tribute to his lifelong service – but
that others did all of the heavy
lifting. Again, hardly. Kraras is as involved as anyone in
getting things done at the
Church, and more so than most.
Kraras first and foremost thanked God for giving him th
e opportunity to chair the
ongoings, a sentiment he wrote in the commemorative edi
tion’s opening remarks, and
shared with the congregation on July 26. He thanked Fath
er Pappalas his son and Co-
Chairman Christ, the rest of the Committee members, th
ose who contributed financially,
and the 335 parishioners who shared their family histori
“This particular Centennial Commemorative Album has tur
ned out to be a ‘Labor of
Love,’” writes Kraras. “As I was writing the stories of
all the founders, I was constantly
reminded of all the efforts and contributions and sacrif
ices made by these founders of
our churches, our Ahepans, etc., during these first one h
undred years. I consider myself
blessed for knowing most of these people and working with
them for the Church, the
AHEPA, the GAPA, and all the other organizations. Th
ese people were very sincere
and devoted and, at times, under very difficult circumstance
s. Most of them are in the
Church Triumphant and I am sure they are very happy and sm
iling down on us as they
see the progress that we have made in building on the f
oundations that they started.”

In his own message to the parish, on the front pages of
the 490-page tome, Pappalas
wrote: “Almost 30 years ago I was asked during my intervie
w with the Parish Council,
‘what is your view of the relationship between the pr
iest and his parish? And, how long
do you plan to stay?’ I responded by saying that those a
re two good questions. In
regard to the relationship between a priest and his p
arish, I said that theologically, the
relationship is like that of a marriage (something I be
lieve with all my heart). And
because the relationship between a priest and his parish
is like a marriage, I don’t plan
on leaving until Our Lord calls me home.”
On behalf of his entire family, Fr. Pappalas concluded
, “we love you and are happy to
be a part of our beloved Sts. Constantine and Helen Gr
eek Orthodox Church as we
begin the next 100 years.”

The post Church in Reading Continues Centennial Celebration appeared first on The National Herald.

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