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AHEPA Scholarships Accepting Applications


SCHERERVILLE, IN – AHEPA continues to provide scholarships for deserving students across the country. Among the many offered by the historic organization and its various chapters, the National AHEPA Scholarships, the AHEPA-DOP District 12 Scholarships, and the Peter J. Economos Memorial Scholarship are all currently accepting applications. Check the guidelines below and the individual websites and local AHEPA chapters for more details.

National AHEPA Scholarships

AHEPA’s commitment to education has been well documented throughout its history. Over $4 million is endowed at the local, district, and national levels toward the scholarships, and a half-million dollars is awarded annually. Thousands of young men and women have benefited as recipients of AHEPA scholarships at these various levels. The AHEPA National 2017 educational scholarship application is now available.

The applications deadline is March 31, 2017. Any application postmarked after March 31, 2017 will not be considered. More information on the guidelines and access to the scholarship application is available online at www.ahepa.org/Education-Scholarships.htm.

AHEPA Athletics also issues Scholar-Athlete Scholarships. More information on the guidelines and access to the Nomination Form for the AHEPA Scholar-Athlete Scholarship is available online at www.ahepa.org/AHEPA-Athletics/forms/AHEPA.current.SCHOLAR-ATHLETE%20APPLICATION.pdf.

AHEPA-DOP District 12 Scholarship

The AHEPA-Daughters of Penelope District No. 12 Foundation, Inc. provides opportunities to pursue higher education, to share cross-cultural experiences, and promote philanthropic programs.

The Foundation encourages the development of civic responsibility and individual excellence, promotes and encourages American values of family, participatory democracy, and free enterprise.
The AHEPA-DOP District 12 Foundation has posted the 2017 rules, eligibility, and scholarship application on the foundation website at www.ahepadopfoundation.org/uploads/2017_Foundation_Scholarship_Application___Rules.pdf.

AHEPA-DOP District 12 Foundation will be offering five $1,500 dollar scholarships for the year 2017, three (3) High School graduating senior awards and two (2) College undergraduate awards. The deadline for returned application is Saturday, April 1st, 2017. All applications postmarked after this date will be disqualified.

Peter J. Economos Memorial Scholarship

The 2017 application for the Peter J. Economos Memorial Scholarship is now available. This scholarship is provided by Order of AHEPA Chapter #260 (Chicago, Illinois) in District 13.
A) All applicants must:

1) Be a high school senior who is graduating or has graduated in 2017 and is pursuing or will pursue a post-secondary education by attending a vocational, trade or technical school, or a college or university,


2) Be an undergraduate student who is currently enrolled in a post-secondary course of education by attending a vocational, trade or technical school, or a college or university.

B) Satisfy one of the following conditions:

1) Must be a current or former participant in the Junior Olympics,


2) The applicant, or a parent of the applicant, must be a member in good standing of the 13′ District (Illinois and Wisconsin) Ahepa family (Order of Ahepa, Daughters of Penelope, Sons of Pericles or Maids of Athena),


3) The applicant, or a parent of the applicant, must be a member in good standing of a Greek Orthodox Parish within the Metropolis of Chicago (please contact your parish priest for this determination).

C) Complete, sign and return the personal information portion of this application (Sections II-IX) to Mr. Nicholas P. Bobis, whose address appears above, by the deadline date of Monday, May 8, 2017.
More information on the guidelines and application is available online at http://petereconomosscholarship.com/PeterEconomosScholarshipApplication.pdf.

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